Interactive Model Exploration using 'GGobi'

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Documentation for package ‘meifly’ version 0.3.1

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coef.ensemble Calculcate coefficients for all models in ensemble. Returns raw, t-value, absolute t-value, and standardised coefficent values.
findmodels General ensemble of models from models in global workspace'
fitall Fit all combinations of x variables ($2^p$).
fitbest Use the leaps package to generate the best subsets.
lmboot Generate linear models by bootstrapping observations
meifly Interactive model ensemble exploration.
package-meifly Interactive model ensemble exploration.
residuals.ensemble Calculate residuals for all models in ensemble.
summary.ensemble Returns degrees of freedom, log likelihood, R-squared, AIC, BIC and adjusted R-squared.
summary.resid_ensemble Summarise residuals from ensemble.
summary.variable_ensemble Summarise variable ensemble.