coef.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
confint.neLht |
Methods for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
confint.neLhtBoot |
Methods for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
confint.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
confint.neModelBoot |
Methods for natural effect models |
expData |
Expanded dataset |
expData-methods |
Methods for expanded datasets |
neEffdecomp |
Linear hypotheses for natural effect models |
neEffdecomp.neModel |
Linear hypotheses for natural effect models |
neImpute |
Expand the dataset and impute nested counterfactual outcomes |
neImpute.default |
Expand the dataset and impute nested counterfactual outcomes |
neImpute.formula |
Expand the dataset and impute nested counterfactual outcomes |
neLht |
Linear hypotheses for natural effect models |
neLht-methods |
Methods for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
neLht.neModel |
Linear hypotheses for natural effect models |
neModel |
Fit a natural effect model |
neModel-methods |
Methods for natural effect models |
neWeight |
Expand the dataset and calculate ratio-of-mediator probability weights |
neWeight.default |
Expand the dataset and calculate ratio-of-mediator probability weights |
neWeight.formula |
Expand the dataset and calculate ratio-of-mediator probability weights |
plot.neEffdecomp |
Confidence interval plots for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
plot.neLht |
Confidence interval plots for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
plot.neLhtBoot |
Confidence interval plots for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
plot.neModel |
Confidence interval plots for natural effect components |
plot.neModelBoot |
Confidence interval plots for natural effect components |
residualPlot.expData |
Methods for expanded datasets |
residualPlot.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
residualPlots.expData |
Methods for expanded datasets |
residualPlots.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
residuals.expData |
Methods for expanded datasets |
summary.neLht |
Methods for linear hypotheses in natural effect models |
summary.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
UPBdata |
UPB data |
vcov.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |
weights.expData |
Methods for expanded datasets |
weights.neModel |
Methods for natural effect models |