Mediterranean Landscape Simulation

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Documentation for package ‘medfateland’ version 2.4.5

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add_forests Add forests
add_land_cover Add topography and land cover
add_soilgrids Landscape soil parametrization
add_topography Add topography and land cover
cell_neighbors Watershed simulations
check_forests Landscape forest parametrization
check_land_cover Add topography and land cover
check_soils Landscape soil parametrization
check_topography Add topography and land cover
create_fire_regime Create fire regime
create_management_scenario Create management scenario
defaultPrescriptionsBySpecies Default prescriptions by species
default_dispersal_control Default control parameters for dispersal
default_volume_function Default volume function
default_watershed_control Default control parameters for watershed processes
dispersal Seed production, dispersal and seed bank dynamics
example_ifn Example of distributed forest inventory stands
example_watershed Example of watershed
example_watershed_burnin Example of watershed
extract_variables Landscape variables
fire_regime_instance Fire regime instance
fordyn_land Watershed simulations
fordyn_scenario Scenario of forest dynamics
fordyn_spatial Simulations for spatially-distributed forest stands
forest_parametrization Landscape forest parametrization
growth_land Watershed simulations
growth_land_day One-day watershed simulations
growth_spatial Simulations for spatially-distributed forest stands
growth_spatial_day One-day simulation for spatially-distributed forest stands
impute_forests Landscape forest parametrization
initialize_landscape Initialization of model inputs for spatially-distributed forest stands
landscape_summary Forest and soil summaries over space
modify_forest_structure Landscape forest parametrization
modify_soils Landscape soil parametrization
parse_forestable Parse forestable
plot_summary Displays spatial simulation summaries
plot_variable Landscape variables
shinyplot_land Shiny app with interactive plots and maps
simulation_summary Summarizes spatial simulation results
soil_parametrization Landscape soil parametrization
spwb_land Watershed simulations
spwb_land_day One-day watershed simulations
spwb_spatial Simulations for spatially-distributed forest stands
spwb_spatial_day One-day simulation for spatially-distributed forest stands
summary.growth_land Watershed simulations
summary.spwb_land Watershed simulations
update_landscape Updates the state of a landscape object