calc_rejection_rate {mcstatsim}R Documentation

Calculate Rejection Rate and its Monte Carlo Standard Error


Computes the rejection rate of hypotheses tests based on a vector of p-values and a specified significance level (alpha). The rejection rate is the proportion of p-values that are lower than alpha, indicating significant results. Additionally, the function calculates the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) for the rejection rate, which quantifies the uncertainty associated with the estimated rejection rate. This function is useful for assessing the overall type I error rate or the power of a statistical test across multiple simulations or experimental replications.


calc_rejection_rate(p_values, alpha = 0.05)



A numeric vector of p-values from multiple hypothesis tests.


The significance level used to determine if a p-value indicates a significant result. Default is 0.05.


A list with two components: 'rejection_rate', the proportion of tests that resulted in rejection of the null hypothesis, and 'rejection_rate_mcse', the Monte Carlo Standard Error of the rejection rate, providing an estimate of its variability.


set.seed(123) # For reproducibility
p_values <- runif(100, min = 0, max = 1) # Simulated p-values
rejection_info <- calc_rejection_rate(p_values)

[Package mcstatsim version 0.5.0 Index]