bernoulli |
Bernoulli family for mcp |
criterion |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
demo_fit |
Example 'mcpfit' for examples |
exponential |
Exponential family for mcp |
fitted |
Expected Values from the Posterior Predictive Distribution |
fitted.mcpfit |
Expected Values from the Posterior Predictive Distribution |
fixed.effects |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
fixef |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
fixef.mcpfit |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
hypothesis |
Test hypotheses on mcp objects. |
hypothesis.mcpfit |
Test hypotheses on mcp objects. |
ilogit |
Inverse logit function |
is.mcpfit |
Checks if argument is an 'mcpfit' object |
logit |
Logit function |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
loo |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
loo.mcpfit |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
mcp |
Fit Multiple Linear Segments And Their Change Points |
mcpfit |
Class 'mcpfit' of models fitted with the 'mcp' package |
mcpfit-class |
Class 'mcpfit' of models fitted with the 'mcp' package |
mcp_example |
Get example models and data |
negbinomial |
Negative binomial for mcp |
phi |
Inverse probit function |
plot |
Plot full fits |
plot.mcpfit |
Plot full fits |
plot_pars |
Plot individual parameters |
pp_check |
Posterior Predictive Checks For Mcpfit Objects |
pp_check.mcpfit |
Posterior Predictive Checks For Mcpfit Objects |
predict |
Samples from the Posterior Predictive Distribution |
predict.mcpfit |
Samples from the Posterior Predictive Distribution |
print |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
print.mcpfit |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
print.mcplist |
Print mcplist |
print.mcptext |
Nice printing texts |
probit |
Probit function |
random.effects |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
ranef |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
ranef.mcpfit |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
resid |
Compute Residuals From Mcpfit Objects |
resid.mcpfit |
Compute Residuals From Mcpfit Objects |
residuals |
Compute Residuals From Mcpfit Objects |
residuals.mcpfit |
Compute Residuals From Mcpfit Objects |
sd_to_prec |
Transform a prior from SD to precision. |
summary |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
summary.mcpfit |
Summarise mcpfit objects |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
waic |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |
waic.mcpfit |
Compute information criteria for model comparison |