A B C D E F G I K M N O P R S T W X Y Z misc
as.data.frame.assoc_scores | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.conc | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.details.slma | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.fnames | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.freqlist | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.slma | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.tokens | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.data.frame.types | Coerce object to a data frame |
as.re | Build a regular expression |
assoc_abcd | Association scores used in collocation analysis and keyword analysis |
assoc_scores | Association scores used in collocation analysis and keyword analysis |
as_character | Coerce object to character |
as_character.default | Coerce object to character |
as_character.re | Coerce object to character |
as_character.tokens | Coerce object to character |
as_conc | Coerce data frame to a concordance object |
as_data_frame | Coerce object to a data frame |
as_data_frame.default | Coerce object to a data frame |
as_fnames | Coerce object to 'fnames' |
as_freqlist | Coerce table to a frequency list |
as_numeric | Coerce object to a numeric vector |
as_numeric.default | Coerce object to a numeric vector |
as_re | Build a regular expression |
as_tokens | Coerce object to class 'tokens' |
as_types | Coerce object to a vector of types |
brackets | Subset an object by different criteria |
cat_re | Print a regular expression to the console |
ca_help | Helpers for plotting 'ca' objects |
chisq1_to_p | Proportion of chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom that sits to the right of x |
cleanup_spaces | Clean up the use of whitespace in a character vector |
col_pcoord | Helpers for plotting 'ca' objects |
conc | Build a concordance for the matches of a regex |
create_cooc | Build collocation frequencies. |
details | Details on a specific item |
details.slma | Details on a specific item |
drop_bool | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
drop_bool.fnames | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
drop_bool.freqlist | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
drop_bool.tokens | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
drop_bool.types | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
drop_empty_rc | Drop empty rows and columns from a matrix |
drop_extension | Shorten filenames |
drop_fnames | Filter collection of filenames by name |
drop_path | Shorten filenames |
drop_pos | Subset an object by index |
drop_pos.fnames | Subset an object by index |
drop_pos.freqlist | Subset an object by index |
drop_pos.tokens | Subset an object by index |
drop_pos.types | Subset an object by index |
drop_re | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
drop_re.fnames | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
drop_re.freqlist | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
drop_re.tokens | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
drop_re.types | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
drop_tags | Drop XML tags from character string |
drop_types | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
drop_types.fnames | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
drop_types.freqlist | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
drop_types.tokens | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
drop_types.types | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
explore | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.assoc_scores | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.conc | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.fnames | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.freqlist | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.tokens | Interactively navigate through an object |
explore.types | Interactively navigate through an object |
find_xpath | Run XPath query |
fnames | Retrieve the names of files in a given path |
fnames_merge | Merge filenames collections |
fnames_merge_all | Merge filenames collections |
freqlist | Build the frequency list of a corpus |
freqlist_diff | Subtract frequency lists |
freqlist_merge | Merge frequency lists |
freqlist_merge_all | Merge frequency lists |
get_fnames | Retrieve the names of files in a given path |
import_conc | Import a concordance |
keep_bool | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
keep_bool.fnames | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
keep_bool.freqlist | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
keep_bool.tokens | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
keep_bool.types | Subset an object based on logical criteria |
keep_fnames | Filter collection of filenames by name |
keep_pos | Subset an object by index |
keep_pos.fnames | Subset an object by index |
keep_pos.freqlist | Subset an object by index |
keep_pos.tokens | Subset an object by index |
keep_pos.types | Subset an object by index |
keep_re | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
keep_re.fnames | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
keep_re.freqlist | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
keep_re.tokens | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
keep_re.types | Subset an object based on regular expressions |
keep_types | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
keep_types.fnames | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
keep_types.freqlist | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
keep_types.tokens | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
keep_types.types | Subset an object based on a selection of types |
mclm_print | Print an object |
mclm_xml_text | Get text from xml node |
merge_conc | Merge concordances |
merge_fnames | Merge filenames collections |
merge_freqlist | Merge frequency lists |
merge_tokens | Merge 'tokens' objects |
merge_types | Merge 'types' objects |
n_fnames | Count number of items in an 'fnames' object |
n_tokens | Count tokens |
n_tokens.freqlist | Count tokens |
n_tokens.tokens | Count tokens |
n_types | Count types |
n_types.assoc_scores | Count types |
n_types.freqlist | Count types |
n_types.tokens | Count types |
n_types.types | Count types |
orig_ranks | Retrieve or set original ranks |
orig_ranks.freqlist | Retrieve or set original ranks |
orig_ranks<- | Retrieve or set original ranks |
orig_ranks<-.default | Retrieve or set original ranks |
orig_ranks<-.freqlist | Retrieve or set original ranks |
perl_flavor | Retrieve or set the flavor of a regular expression |
perl_flavor<- | Retrieve or set the flavor of a regular expression |
print.assoc_scores | Print an object |
print.conc | Print an object |
print.fnames | Print an object |
print.freqlist | Print an object |
print.slma | Print an object |
print.tokens | Print an object |
print.types | Print an object |
print_kwic | Print a concordance in KWIC format |
p_to_chisq1 | P right quantile in chi-squared distribution with 1 degree of freedom |
ranks | Retrieve the current ranks for frequency counts. |
ranks.freqlist | Retrieve the current ranks for frequency counts. |
re | Build a regular expression |
read_assoc | Read association scores from file |
read_conc | Read a concordance from a file |
read_fnames | Read a collection of filenames from a text file |
read_freqlist | Read a frequency list from a csv file |
read_tokens | Read a 'tokens' object from a text file |
read_txt | Read a text file into a character vector |
read_types | Read a vector of types from a text file |
re_convenience | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_has_matches | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_replace_all | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_replace_first | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_retrieve_all | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_retrieve_first | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_retrieve_last | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
re_which | Convenience functions in support of regular expressions |
row_pcoord | Helpers for plotting 'ca' objects |
scan_re | Scan a regular expression from console |
scan_re2 | Scan a regular expression from console |
scan_txt | Scan a character string from console |
scan_txt2 | Scan a character string from console |
short_names | Shorten filenames |
slma | Stable lexical marker analysis |
sort.assoc_scores | Sort an 'assoc_scores' object |
sort.freqlist | Sort a frequency list |
surf_cooc | Build collocation frequencies. |
text_cooc | Build collocation frequencies. |
tokenize | Create or coerce an object into class 'tokens' |
tokens | Create or coerce an object into class 'tokens' |
tokens_merge | Merge 'tokens' objects |
tokens_merge_all | Merge 'tokens' objects |
tot_n_tokens | Retrieve or set the total number of tokens |
tot_n_tokens.freqlist | Retrieve or set the total number of tokens |
tot_n_tokens<- | Retrieve or set the total number of tokens |
tot_n_tokens<-.freqlist | Retrieve or set the total number of tokens |
trunc_at | Truncate a sequence of character data |
trunc_at.tokens | Truncate a sequence of character data |
types | Build a 'types' object |
types_merge | Merge 'types' objects |
types_merge_all | Merge 'types' objects |
type_freq | Retrieve frequencies from 'freqlist' object |
type_freqs | Retrieve frequencies from 'freqlist' object |
type_names | Return the names of the types in an object |
type_names.assoc_scores | Return the names of the types in an object |
type_names.freqlist | Return the names of the types in an object |
write_assoc | Write association scores to file |
write_conc | Write a concordance to file. |
write_fnames | Write a collection of filenames to a text file |
write_freqlist | Write a frequency list to a csv file |
write_tokens | Write a 'tokens' object to a text file |
write_txt | Write a character vector to a text file |
write_types | Write a vector of types to a text file |
xlim4ca | Helpers for plotting 'ca' objects |
ylim4ca | Helpers for plotting 'ca' objects |
zero_plus | Make all values strictly higher than zero |
[.fnames | Subset an object by different criteria |
[.freqlist | Subset an object by different criteria |
[.tokens | Subset an object by different criteria |
[.types | Subset an object by different criteria |
[<-.fnames | Subset an object by different criteria |
[<-.tokens | Subset an object by different criteria |
[<-.types | Subset an object by different criteria |