Multivariate Cluster Elastic Net

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Documentation for package ‘mcen’ version 1.2.1

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beta_adjust Adjusts the value of the coefficients to account for the scaling of x and y.
beta_adjust_bin Adjusts the value of the binomial coefficients to account for the scaling of x.
bin_horse The workhorse function for the binomial updates in mcen. It uses IRWLS glmnet updates to solve the regression problem.
CalcHorseBin Creates the the working response for all responses for glmnet binomial family
CalcHorseEBin Creates the probabilities and working response for the glmnet update for a given response with a binomial family
cluster Wrapper function for different clustering methods
cluster.vals Returns the cluster values from a cv.mcen object. Returns the coefficients from the cv.mcen object with the smallest cross-validation error.
coef.mcen Returns the coefficients from an mcen object.
cv.mcen Cross validation for mcen function
get_best_cvm Gets the index position for the model with the smallest cross-validation error.
matrix_multiply matrix multiply
mcen Fits an MCEN model
mcen.init Provides initial estimates for the mcen functionF
mcen_bin_workhorse Calculates cluster assignment and coefficient estimates for a binomial mcen.
mcen_workhorse Estimates the clusters and provides the coefficients for an mcen object Makes predictions from the model with the smallest cross-validation error.
predict.mcen predictions from a mcen model
pred_eval Calculates the out of sample likelihood for an mcen object
pred_eval.mbinom_mcen Evaluates prediction error for multiple binomial responses.
pred_eval.mgauss_mcen Calculates the prediction error for a mgauss_mcen object. Prints nice output for a cv.mcen object.
print.mcen Prints nice output for an mcen object.
randomly_assign randomly assign n samples to k groups
SetEq SetEq test set equivalence of two clustering sets
squared_error Calculates sum of squared error between two vectors or matrices
vl_binom Calculates out of sample error on the binomial likelihood