mcODE-package {mcODE}R Documentation

Monte Carlo Integration of First Order ODEs


Monte Carlo solution of first order differential equations and confidence intervals for the solutions.


ODE.MVT can solve any first order differential equation of the form g' = F(x, g) with initial condition g(x0) = g0, provided conditions are satisfied for existence and uniqueness of the solution. Confidence intervals for the solution can be obtained through use of ODE.MVT.agg. An alternate method due to Akhtar et al is implemented in ODE.ADA.


Author: W.J. Braun

Maintainer: W.J. Braun


Akhtar, M. N., Durad, M. H., and Ahmed, A. (2015). Solving initial value ordinary differential equations by Monte Carlo method. Proc. IAM, 4:149-174.

Braun, W. J. (2024) Monte Carlo integration of first order ordinary differential equations. Preprint.

See Also



# Solve g' = F(x, g) on (0, 1] with g(0) = -1/1000001
G <- function(x, g) {
    -1000*g + 3000 - 2000*exp(-x)
T <- 1
x0 <- 0
g0 <- -1/1000001
nMVT <- 5000
ghat <- ODE.MVT(G, initvalue = g0, endpoint = T, initpoint = x0, Niter = 2, npoints = nMVT)
plot(ghat, type = "l")

[Package mcODE version 1.1 Index]