tsc.setting {mbsts}R Documentation

Specification of time series components


Specify three time series components for the MBSTS model: the generalized linear trend component, the seasonal component, and the cycle component.


tsc.setting(Ytrain, mu, rho, S, vrho, lambda)



The multivariate time series to be modeled.


A vector of logic values indicating whether to include a local trend for each target series.


A vector of numerical values taking values in [0,1][0,1], describing the learning rates at which the local trend is updated for each target series. The value 00 in the jj-th entry indicates that the jj-th target series does not include slope of trend.


A vector of integer values representing the number of seasons to be modeled for each target series. The value 00 in the jj-th entry indicates that the jj-th target series does not include the seasonal component.


A vector of numerical values taking values in [0,1][0,1], describing a damping factor for each target series. The value 00 in the jj-th entry indicates that the jj-th target series does not include the cycle component.


A vector of numerical values, whose entries equal to 2π/q2\pi/q with qq being a period such that 0<λ<π0<\lambda<\pi, describing the frequency.


An object of the SSModel class.


Jinwen Qiu qjwsnow_ctw@hotmail.com Ning Ning patricianing@gmail.com


Qiu, Jammalamadaka and Ning (2018), Multivariate Bayesian Structural Time Series Model, Journal of Machine Learning Research 19.68: 1-33.

Ning and Qiu (2021), The mbsts package: Multivariate Bayesian Structural Time Series Models in R.

Jammalamadaka, Qiu and Ning (2019), Predicting a Stock Portfolio with the Multivariate Bayesian Structural Time Series Model: Do News or Emotions Matter?, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 17, Number 2.

[Package mbsts version 3.0 Index]