Exploration of Multiple Biomarker Responses using Effect Size

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Documentation for package ‘mbRes’ version 0.1.7

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mbRes-package mbRes: Exploration of Multiple Biomarker Responses using Effect Size
beliaeff2002 Compute Integrated Biomarker Index
blaise2002 Compute Rank Sum Biomarker Index
cliff Compute Effect Size
compare Compare RSI, IBR, and Cliff's delta
ggdot Make Dot Plot
ggheat Make Heatmap
mbr Compute Cliff's delta and S-value
mbr.cliff Compute Cliff's delta simplified
mbr.glass Compute Glass's delta simplified
plotsam Visualize Hypothetical Samples
resampling Measure Statistical Uncertainty
setpop Define Hypothetical Populations
simul Generate Hypothetical Samples
visual Visualize Cliff's delta and S-value