maximin {maximin}R Documentation

Space-filling design under the criterion of maximin distance


Generates a space-filling design under the criterion of maximum-minimum distance; both discrete and continuous searches are provided.


  maximin.cand(n, Xcand, Tmax, Xorig=NULL, init=NULL, verb=FALSE, tempfile=NULL) 
  maximin(n, p, T, Xorig=NULL, Xinit=NULL, verb=FALSE, plot=FALSE, boundary=FALSE)



the number of space-filling locations


the candidate set, from which each space-filling location is selected


the number of iterations; Tmax <= nrow(Xcand); to be safe, set Tmax = nrow(Xcand).


the existing design; ncol(Xorig) = ncol(Xcand)


the initial indices of X; it can be randomly selected from Xcand or introduced from a previous experiment.


progress indicator — every tenth iteration is printed out; by default verb = FALSE.


the name of a temporary file given the progress is saved with each iteration; by default tempfile = NULL


the dimensionality of input space


the number of iterations; T>nT > n; setting T=10nT = 10 * n is a good starting point.


the (initial) design introduced from a previous experiment


if plot = TRUE, then the search space and the "start location –> new location" with each iteration is plotted; if p>2p > 2, then TWO input coordinates are RANDOMLY chosen for plotting; it is worth noticing that the search space only VISUALLY makes sense when p=2p = 2.


if boundary = TRUE, then for each iteration, the "to-be-swapped-in" location will be away from the boundary in addition to being away from other X locations and Xorig; how far is it? min(d,4d.bound)min(d, 4*d.bound), where d is the Euclidean distance between the "to-be-swapped-in" location and other X locations as well as Xorig, while d.bound is the minimum Euclidean distance between the "to-be-swapped-in" location and the boundaries.


Constructing a space-filling design under the criterion of maximum-minimum distance is quite useful in computer experiments and related fields. Previously, researchers would construct such a design in a random accept-reject way, i.e., randomly propose a location within the study region to replace a randomly selected row from the initial design. If such a proposal increases the minimum pairwise Euclidean distance, then accept the replacement; otherwise keep the original design location. By repeatedly proposing (and accept-rejecting) in this way one is able to construct an (approximately) space-filling design. However the algorithm is inefficient computationally. The reason is that the proposals are not optimized in any way.

In this package, we provide an alternative to build up a well-defined space-filling design more efficiently. There are two versions, one is with discrete search, while the other is with continuous search. For the former, each iteration proposes to swap out a row from the initial design with the minimum distance, and swap in one location from a candidate set to increase the minimum distance. For the latter, the core idea is the same, but instead of working with a candidate set, optim is used to maximize the distance between the "to-be-swapped-in" location and other design locations as well as to any existing design, Xorig. Several heuristics are deployed for situations where the search becomes stuck in a local mode. One involves moving to a location with non-minimum distance, and the other is to jump to a location which has the maximum minimum distance.

For a visualization of applying maximin.cand in a real-life problem on solar irradiance, see Sun et al. (2019).

maximin.cand returns the indices of Xcand, which makes the final space-filling design, and the minimum pairwise Euclidean distance with each iteration

maximin returns the combined existing design and the space-filling design, together with the minimum pairwise Euclidean distance with each iteration


maximin.cand returns


the indices of Xcand, which makes the final space-filling design


the minimum distance with each iteration; length(mis) = Tmax + 1

maximin returns


dim(Xf) = (nrow(Xorig) + n) * p


the minimum distance with each iteration; length(mi) = T + 1


Furong Sun and Robert B. Gramacy


F. Sun, R.B. Gramacy, B. Haaland, S.Y. Lu, and Y. Hwang (2019) Synthesizing Simulation and Field Data of Solar Irradiance, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 12(4), 311-324; preprint on arXiv:1806.05131.

M.H.Y. Tan (2013) Minimax Designs for Finite Design Regions, Technometrics, 55(3), 346-358.

M.E. Johnson, L.M. Moore, and D. Yivisaker (1990) Minimax and Maximin Distance Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 26(2), 131-148.


 ## Not run: 
   ## maximin.cand
   # generate the design
   n <- 100
   p <- 2
   Xorig <- randomLHS(10, p)
   x1 <- seq(0, 1, length.out=n)
   Xcand <- expand.grid(replicate(p, x1, simplify=FALSE))
   names(Xcand) <- paste0("x", 1:2)
   T <- nrow(Xcand)
   Xsparse <- maximin.cand(n=n, Xcand=Xcand, Tmax=T, Xorig=Xorig, 
                           init=NULL, verb=FALSE, tempfile=NULL)
   maxmd <- as.numeric(format(round(max(na.omit(Xsparse$mis)), 5), nsmall=5))
   # visualization
   par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
   X <- Xcand[Xsparse$inds,]
   plot(X$x1, X$x2, xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2]), 
        xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1), 
        main=paste0("n=", n, "_p=", p, "_maximin=", maxmd))
   points(Xorig, col=2, pch=20)
   abline(h=c(0, 1), v=c(0, 1), lty=2, col=2)
     legend("topright", "Xorig", xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, 
            inset=c(-0.03, -0.05), pch=20, col=2, bty="n")
   plot(log(na.omit(Xsparse$mis)), type="b", 
        xlab="iteration", ylab="log(minimum distance)", 
        main="progress on minimum distance")
   abline(v=n, lty=2)
   mtext(paste0("design size=", n), at=n, cex=0.6)
## End(Not run)
  ## maximin
  # generate the design
  n <- 10
  p <- 2
  T <- 10*n
  Xorig <- randomLHS(10, p)
  Xsparse <- maximin(n=n, p=p, T=T, Xorig=Xorig, Xinit=NULL, 
                     verb=FALSE, plot=FALSE, boundary=FALSE)
  maxmd <- as.numeric(format(round(Xsparse$mi[T+1], 5), nsmall=5))
  # visualization
  plot(Xsparse$Xf[,1], Xsparse$Xf[,2], xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2]), 
       xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1), 
       main=paste0("n=", n, " p=", p, " T=", T, " maximin=", maxmd))
  points(Xorig, col=2, pch=20)
  abline(h=c(0,1), v=c(0,1), lty=2, col=2)
  if(!is.null(Xorig)) legend("topright", "Xorig", xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, 
     inset=c(-0.03, -0.05), pch=20, col=2, bty="n")
  plot(log(Xsparse$mi), type="b", xlab="iteration", ylab="log(minimum distance)", 
       main="progress on minimum distance")
  abline(v=n, lty=2)
  mtext(paste0("design size=", n), at=n, cex=0.6)
  abline(v=T, lty=2)
  mtext(paste0("", maxmd), at=T, cex=0.6)

[Package maximin version 1.0-5 Index]