matrixset {matrixset}R Documentation

Matrix Set


Creates a matrix set, possibly annotated for rows and/or columns. These annotations are referred as traits.


  expand = NULL,
  row_info = NULL,
  column_info = NULL,
  row_key = "rowname",
  column_key = "colname",
  row_tag = ".rowname",
  column_tag = ".colname"



A single list of matrices (must be a named list), or individual matrices, e.g. mat1 = m1, mat2 = m2, etc. NULL elements are accepted. This allows to create a placeholder that can be filled later on.


By default (NULL), input matrix expansion is disabled. Setting this parameter to TRUE will enable the expansion feature. See the section ‘Matrix Expansion’ for more details of what it is, as well as other possible options for expand. The section will also detail how the default expansion value is dependent on the matrix types.


a data frame, used to annotate matrix rows. The link between the matrix row names and the data frame is given in column "rowname". A different column can be used if one provides a different row_key.


a data frame, used to annotate matrix columns. The link between the matrix column names and the data frame is given in column "colname". A different column can be used if one provides a different column_key.


column name in 'row_info“ data frame that will link the row names with the row information. A string is expected.


column name in col_info data frame that will link the column names with the row information. A string is expected.


A string, giving the row annotation data frame column that will link the row names to the data frame. While row_key specifies the column name of the data frame at input, row_tag specifies the column name that will be used throughout in the matrixset object.


A string, giving the column annotation data frame column that will link the row names to the data frame. While column_key specifies the column name of the data frame at input, column_tag specifies the column name that will be used throughout in the matrixset object.


A matrixset is a collection of matrices that share the same dimensions and, if applicable, dimnames. It is designed to hold different measures for the same rows/columns. For example, each matrix could be a different time point for the same subjects.

Traits, which are annotations, can be provided in the form of data frames for rows and/or columns. If traits are provided, the data.frame must contain only one entry per row/column (see examples).

Row or column names are not mandatory to create a proper matrixset. The only way for this to work however is to leave traits (annotations) empty. If provided, each matrices must have the same dimnames as well.

If dimnames are missing, note that most of the operations for matrixsets won't be available. For instance, operations that use traits will not work, e.g., filter_row().

It is allowed for matrix elements of a matrixset to be NULL - see examples.


Returns a matrixset, a collection of matrices (see ‘Details’).

Matrix Expansion

The concept of matrix expansion allows to provide input matrices that do not share the same dimensions.

This works by taking the union of the dimnames and padding, if necessary, each matrix with a special value for the missing rows/columns.

Because the dimnames are used, they must necessarily be non-NULL in the provided matrices.

An interesting side-effect is that one can use this option to match the dimnames and provide a common row/column order among the matrices.

For base matrices, the padding special value is, by default (expand = TRUE), NA. For the special matrices (Matrix package), the default value is 0. For these special matrices, padding with 0 forces conversion to sparse matrix.

The default value can be changed by providing any value (e.g, -1) to expand, in which case the same padding value is used for all matrices.

If different padding values are needed for each matrices, a list can be provided to expand. If the list is unnamed, it must match the number of input matrices in length and the padding values are assigned to the matrices in order.

A named list can be provided as well. In that case, expand names and matrix names are matched. All matrices must have a match in the expand list (more expand values can be provided, though).

See Also



# A single NULL element will create an empty matrixset (it doesn't hold
# any matrices)
lst <- NULL

# This will hold to empty matrices
lst <- list(a = NULL, b = NULL)
# this is equivalent
matrixset(a = NULL, b = NULL)

# A basic example
lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3))
# equivalent
matrixset(a = matrix(0, 2, 3))

# can mix with NULL too
lst <- list(a = NULL, b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = matrix(0, 2, 3))
matset <- matrixset(lst)

# dimnames are also considered to be traits
lst <- list(a = NULL, b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = matrix(0, 2, 3))
rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2")
rownames(lst$c) <- c("r1", "r2")

# You don't have to annotate both rows and columns. But you need to provide
# the appropriate dimnames when you provide traits
lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL)
rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2")
rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2")
colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2)
matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri)

# You can provide a column name that contains the keys
ri <- data.frame(foo = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2)
matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, row_key = "foo")

lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL)
rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2")
rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2")
colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2"), g = 1:2)
ci <- data.frame(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3)
matset <- matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci)

# This is not allowed, because the row trait data frame has more than one
# entry for "r1"
lst <- list(a = matrix(0, 2, 3), b = matrix(0, 2, 3), c = NULL)
rownames(lst$a) <- c("r1", "r2")
rownames(lst$b) <- c("r1", "r2")
colnames(lst$a) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
colnames(lst$b) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
ri <- data.frame(rowname = c("r1", "r2", "r1"), g = 1:3)
ci <- data.frame(colname = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), h = 1:3)
ans <- tryCatch(matrixset(lst, row_info = ri, column_info = ci),
                error = function(e) e)
is(ans, "error")

[Package matrixset version 0.3.0 Index]