matrixNormal_Distribution {matrixNormal}R Documentation

The Matrix Normal Distribution


Computes the density (dmatnorm), calculates the cumulative distribution function (CDF, pmatnorm), and generates 1 random number (rmatnorm) from the matrix normal:

AMatNormn,p(M,U,V)A \sim MatNorm_{n,p}(M, U, V)



dmatnorm(A, M, U, V, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, log = TRUE)

  Lower = -Inf,
  Upper = Inf,
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
  keepAttr = TRUE,
  algorithm = mvtnorm::GenzBretz(),

rmatnorm(s = 1, M, U, V, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, method = "chol")



The numeric n x p matrix that follows the matrix-normal. Value used to calculate the density.


The mean n x p matrix that is numeric and real. Must contain non-missing values. Parameter of matrix Normal.


The individual scale n x n real positive-definite matrix (rows). Must contain non-missing values. Parameter of matrix Normal.


The parameter scale p x p real positive-definite matrix (columns). Must contain non-missing values. Parameter of matrix Normal.


A numeric tolerance level used to check if a matrix is symmetric. That is, a matrix is symmetric if the difference between the matrix and its transpose is between -tol and tol.


Logical; if TRUE, the logarithm of the density is returned.


The n x p matrix of lower limits for CDF.


The n x p matrix of upper limits for CDF.


logical indicating if attributes such as error and msg should be attached to the return value. The default, TRUE is back compatible.


an object of class GenzBretz, Miwa or TVPACK specifying both the algorithm to be used as well as the associated hyper parameters.


additional parameters (currently given to GenzBretz for backward compatibility issues).


The number of observations desired to simulate from the matrix normal. Defaults to 1. Currently has no effect but acts as a placeholder in future releases.


String specifying the matrix decomposition used to determine the matrix root of the Kronecker product of U and V in rmatnorm. Possible methods are eigenvalue decomposition ("eigen"), singular value decomposition ("svd"), and Cholesky decomposition ("chol"). The Cholesky (the default) is typically fastest, but not by much though. Passed to **mvtnorm**::rmvnorm.


These functions rely heavily on this following property of matrix normal distribution. Let koch() refer to the Kronecker product of a matrix. For a n x p matrix A, if

AMatNorm(M,U,V),A \sim MatNorm(M, U, V),


vec(A)MVNnp(M,Sigma=koch(V,U)). vec(A) \sim MVN_{np} (M, Sigma = koch(V,U) ).

Thus, the probability of Lower < A < Upper in the matrix normal can be found by using the CDF of vec(A), which is given by pmvnorm function in mvtnorm. See algorithms and pmvnorm for more information.

Also, we can simulate a random matrix A from a matrix normal by sampling vec(A) from rmvnorm function in mvtnorm. This matrix A takes the rownames from U and the colnames from V.

Calculating Matrix Normal Probabilities

From the mvtnorm package, three algorithms are available for evaluating normal probabilities:

The ... arguments define the hyper-parameters for GenzBertz algorithm:


maximum number of function values as integer. The internal FORTRAN code always uses a minimum number depending on the dimension.Default 25000.


absolute error tolerance.


relative error tolerance as double.


Ideally, both scale matrices are positive-definite. If they do not appear to be symmetric, the tolerance should be increased. Since symmetry is checked, the 'checkSymmetry' arguments in 'mvtnorm::rmvnorm()' are set to FALSE.


Pocuca, N., Gallaugher, M.P., Clark, K.M., & McNicholas, P.D. (2019). Assessing and Visualizing Matrix Variate Normality. Methodology. <>

Gupta, A. K. and D. K. Nagar (1999). Matrix Variate Distributions. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.


# Data Used
# if( !requireNamespace("datasets", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("datasets")} #part of baseR.
A <- datasets::CO2[1:10, 4:5]
M <- cbind(stats::rnorm(10, 435, 296), stats::rnorm(10, 27, 11))
V <- matrix(c(87, 13, 13, 112), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
V # Right covariance matrix (2 x 2), say the covariance between parameters.
U <- I(10) # Block of left-covariance matrix ( 84 x 84), say the covariance between subjects.

dmatnorm(A, M, U, V)
dmatnorm(A, M, U, V, log = FALSE)

# Generating Probability Lower and Upper Bounds (They're matrices )
Lower <- matrix(rep(-1, 20), ncol = 2)
Upper <- matrix(rep(3, 20), ncol = 2)
# The probablity that a randomly chosen matrix A is between Lower and Upper
pmatnorm(Lower, Upper, M, U, V)

pmatnorm(Lower = -Inf, Upper, M, U, V)
# entire domain = 1
pmatnorm(Lower = -Inf, Upper = Inf, M, U, V)

# Random generation
M <- cbind(rnorm(3, 435, 296), rnorm(3, 27, 11))
U <- diag(1, 3)
V <- matrix(c(10, 5, 5, 3), nrow = 2)
rmatnorm(1, M, U, V)

# M has a different sample size than U; will return an error.
## Not run: 
M <- cbind(rnorm(4, 435, 296), rnorm(4, 27, 11))
rmatnorm(M, U, V)

## End(Not run)

[Package matrixNormal version 0.1.1 Index]