Translation Layer from MATLAB to R

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Documentation for package ‘matlab2r’ version 1.5.0

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.onAttach Prints welcome message on package load
assert Assert if condition is true
blanks Blanks
cell Cell array
char Convert an array to a character array
char-method Convert an array to a character array
colon Vector creation
disp Display the value of a variable
find Find indices and values of nonzero elements
fix Round toward zero
gammaln Logarithm of gamma function
inputdlg Gather user input
isempty Is Array Empty?
isfield Checks if a list contains a field
isFilePath Check if an input is a valid path
ismember Array elements that are members of set array
ismember-method Array elements that are members of set array
ismembertol Tolerant alternative to ismember
isspace Determine space characters
linspace Generate linearly-spaced vector
log2 Base 2 logarithm
matlab2r Convert Matlab function to R
max Maximum (MATLAB version)
min Minimum (MATLAB version)
nargin Number of function input arguments
num2str Numeric to string
num2str-method Numeric to string
ones Matrix of ones
questdlg Prompt for multiple-choice
rand Generate matrix with U(0, 1) trials
rem Remainder after division½
repmat Repeat matrix
reshape Reshape array
setdiff Set differences of two arrays
size Size of an object
sortrows Sort rows of matrix or table
squeeze Squeeze
strcmp Compare two character elements
sum_MATLAB Sum of array elements
sum_MATLAB-method Sum of array elements
times Element-wise matrix multiplication
uigetfile Select a file for loading
uiputfile Save file
zeros Matrix of zeros
zeros_or_ones Matrix of zeros or ones