Translate R Expressions to 'MathML' and 'LaTeX'/'MathJax'

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Documentation for package ‘mathml’ version 1.2

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%+-% Plus Minus, it shows x and calculates x +- y
%->% Right arrow, presented as x -> y
%.% Product x * y, shown as x dot y
%<-% Left arrow, presented as x <- y
%<->% Double sided arrow, presented as x <-> y
%<=% Right double arrow, displayed as x => y
%<=>% If and only if condition, displayed as x <=> y
%==% Equivalence, shown as x == y
%=>% Left double arrow, displayed as x <= y
%=~% Congruence, shown as x =~ y
%dbldown% Down double arrow, displayed as x dArr y
%dblup% Up double arrow, displayed as x uArr y
%down% Down arrow, presented as x downarrow y
%prop% Proportional, shown as x o< y
%up% Up arrow, presented as x up y
%~~% Approximate equality, shown as x ~~ y
add add
add_left add_left
add_right add_right
bold Identity functions for different font styles
boxed Identity functions for different decorations
cal Calligraphic font
cancel Identity functions for different decorations
canonical Canonicalize an R call: Reorder the function arguments
decorations Identity functions for different decorations
denote denote This is a function that allows the user to insert abbreviations in the formula, explain them and make the needed computations
dfrac Division displayed as large fraction
dot Multiplication
fname Return function body
fontstyles Identity functions for different font styles
frac Division displayed as fraction
hook Hook for custom symbols
inline MathML or MathJax output, depending on the knitr context
instead instead
italic Identity functions for different font styles
math Adds the class "math" to the object for knitr output via 'mathout()'
mathjax Mathjax output
mathml MathML output
mathml_preproc Map R operators to their respective Prolog counterparts
mathout MathML or MathJax output, depending on the knitr context
name Add a name attribute to an element (most often, an R function)
nodot Multiplication
omit omit
omit_left omit_left This is a function that allows the user to highlight the mistakes, in particular the omissions in the left-hand side of the expression
omit_right omit_right This is a function that allows the user to highlight the mistakes, in particular the omissions in the right-hand side of the expression
over Division displayed as fraction
phantom Identity functions for different decorations
plain Identity functions for different font styles
prime Identity functions for different decorations
prod_over product over a range. On the R side, this function just returns the product of the first argument, but allows for decorations.
roof Identity functions for different decorations
sum_over sum over a range. On the R side, this function just returns the first argument, but allows for decorations.
tilde Identity functions for different decorations
times Multiplication