mateable-package |
Tools to simulate, manage, visualize, and jointly analyze spatially and temporally explicit datasets of mating potential |
compatibility |
Make potentials object-mating type compatibility |
dailyOMP |
Calculate daily outcrossed mating potential |
ech2012 |
Information about mating scene at sites eelr and nwlf in 2012. |
kNearNeighbors |
Get k Nearest Neighbors |
makeScene |
Create a matingScene object from a data frame |
mateable |
Tools to simulate, manage, visualize, and jointly analyze spatially and temporally explicit datasets of mating potential |
matingSummary |
Summarize a Mating Scene |
overlap |
Pairwise Mating Timing Comparison |
pairDist |
Distance Matrix for a mating scene |
plot3DPotential |
graphical visualization of multiple mating potential objects |
plot3DScene |
multi-dimensional visualization of mating scene object |
plotPotential |
graphical visualization of a mating potential object |
plotScene |
graphical visualization of a mating scene object |
proximity |
Make potentials object-spatial proximity |
receptivityByDay |
Mating Receptivity by Day |
simulateScene |
Simulate a Mating Scene |
synchrony |
Make potentials object-mating synchrony |