makeFuncMaps {matconv} | R Documentation |
Turn dictionary lines into functions that map matlab to R function calls
Turn dictionary lines into functions that map matlab to R function calls
makeFuncMaps(addDict = NULL, pathDict = "")
addDict |
An optional character vector with manufactored lines |
pathDict |
The path to a text file with the dictionary lines written to it |
The output of the individual maps consits of the actual map for the given matlab arguments as a vector and a list of flags included in the dictionary. The argMap itself is a list of potential functions that could be used if a some flags are detected in the dictionary line. A more expansive look at the different dictionaries that could be used can be seen in the base dictionary at "extdata/HiebelerDict.txt" or in the vignette "vignettes/functionCalls.rmd". It returns a list with the R version of the arguments with a left parentheisis.
a list of functions to convert the arguments of a matlab function. It comes with the names of matlab functions.
funcMap <- makeFuncMaps("trace: sum, diag(%1)")
# "sum(diag(matThing)"
funcMap <- makeFuncMaps("mod: , 1 %% 2")
funcMap[['mod']]$argMap[[1]](c(4, 2))
# "(4, %%, 2"
test1 <- "mat"
test2 <- c("mat", "2")
funcMap <- makeFuncMaps(c("size--if 1:dim, 1", "size--if 2: ,dim(%1)[%2]"))
rightConv <- funcMap$size$flags$multSwitch(test1)
rightConv <- funcMap$size$flags$multSwitch(test2)