matchingR-package {matchingR} | R Documentation |
matchingR: Matching Algorithms in R and C++
matchingR is an R package which quickly computes a variety of matching algorithms for one-sided and two-sided markets. This package implements
the Gale-Shapley Algorithm to compute the stable matching for two-sided markets, such as the stable marriage problem and the college-admissions problem
Irving's Algorithm to compute the stable matching for one-sided markets such as the stable roommates problem
the top trading cycle algorithm for the indivisible goods trading problem.
All matching algorithms are implemented in C++
and can therefore be
computed quickly. The package may be useful when the number of market
participants is large or when many matchings need to be computed (e.g. for
extensive simulations or for estimation purposes). The Gale-Shapley
function of this package has successfully been used to simulate preferences
and compute the matching with 30,000 participants on each side of the
Matching markets are common in practice and widely studied by economists. Popular examples include
the National Resident Matching Program that matches graduates from medical school to residency programs at teaching hospitals throughout the United States
the matching of students to schools including the New York City High School Match or the the Boston Public School Match (and many more)
the matching of kidney donors to recipients in kidney exchanges.
Jan Tilly, Nick Janetos
Gale, D. and Shapley, L.S. (1962). College admissions and the stability of marriage. The American Mathematical Monthly, 69(1): 9–15.
Irving, R. W. (1985). An efficient algorithm for the "stable roommates" problem. Journal of Algorithms, 6(4): 577–595
Shapley, L., & Scarf, H. (1974). On cores and indivisibility. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1(1), 23-37.
See Also
Useful links:
# stable marriage problem
nmen <- 25
nwomen <- 20
uM <- matrix(runif(nmen * nwomen), nrow = nwomen, ncol = nmen)
uW <- matrix(runif(nwomen * nmen), nrow = nmen, ncol = nwomen)
results <- galeShapley.marriageMarket(uM, uW)
galeShapley.checkStability(uM, uW, results$proposals, results$engagements)
# college admissions problem
nstudents <- 25
ncolleges <- 5
uStudents <- matrix(runif(nstudents * ncolleges), nrow = ncolleges, ncol = nstudents)
uColleges <- matrix(runif(nstudents * ncolleges), nrow = nstudents, ncol = ncolleges)
results <- galeShapley.collegeAdmissions(
studentUtils = uStudents,
collegeUtils = uColleges,
slots = 4
# check stability
# stable roommate problem
N <- 10
u <- matrix(runif(N^2), nrow = N, ncol = N)
results <- roommate(utils = u)
# check stability
roommate.checkStability(utils = u, matching = results)
# top trading cycle algorithm
N <- 10
u <- matrix(runif(N^2), nrow = N, ncol = N)
results <- toptrading(utils = u)
# check stability
toptrading.checkStability(utils = u, matching = results)