Optimal Multilevel Matching using a Network Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘matchMulti’ version 1.1.12

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matchMulti-package matchMulti Package
balanceMulti Performs balance checking after multilevel matching.
buildCaliper Construct propensity score caliper
catholic_schools 1980 and 1982 High School and Beyond Data
describe_data_counts Print out summary of student and school counts
elastic Optimal Subset Matching without Balance Constraints
is.matchMultiResult matchMultiResult object for results of power calculations
matchMulti A function that performs multilevel matching.
matchMultioutcome Performs an outcome analysis after multilevel matching.
matchMultiResult matchMultiResult object for results of power calculations
matchMultisens Rosenbaum Bounds after Multilevel Matching
minischool Mini-data set for illustration
pairmatchelastic Optimal Subset Matching without Balance Constraints
print.matchMultiResult matchMultiResult object for results of power calculations
rematchSchools Repeat School Match Only
summary.matchMultiResult matchMultiResult object for results of power calculations
tally_schools Tally schools and students in a given dataset