match.bca {matchFeat}R Documentation

Block Coordinate Ascent Method


This function solves the multidimensional assignment problem with decomposable costs (MDADC) by block coordinate ascent. The dissimilarity function is the squared Euclidean distance.


match.bca(x, unit = NULL, w = NULL, 
	method = c("cyclical", "random"), control = list())



data: matrix of dimensions (mn,p)(mn,p) or 3D array of dimensions (p,m,n)(p,m,n) with mm = number of labels/classes, nn = number of sample units, and pp = number of variables)


integer (=number of units) or vector mapping rows of x to sample units (length mnmn). Must be specified only if x is a matrix.


weights for loss function: single positive number, pp-vector of length, or (p,p)(p,p) positive definite matrix


sweeping method for block coordinate ascent: cyclical or random (simple random sampling without replacement)


tuning parameters


Given a set of nn statistical units, each having mm possibly mislabeled feature vectors, the one-to-one matching problem is to find a set of nn label permutations that produce the best match of feature vectors across units. The objective function to minimize is the sum of (weighted) squared Euclidean distances between all pairs of feature vectors having the same (new) label. This amounts to minimizing the sum of the within-label variances. The sample means and sample covariances of the matched feature vectors are calculated as a post-processing step.

The block-coordinate ascent (BCA) algorithm successively sweeps through the statistical units (=blocks), each time relabeling the mm feature vectors of a unit to best match those of the other n1n-1 units.

If x is a matrix, the rows should be sorted by increasing unit label and unit should be a nondecreasing sequence of integers, for example (1,...,1,2,...,2,...,n,...,n)(1,...,1,2,...,2,...,n,...,n) with each integer 1,...,n1,...,n replicated mm times.

The argument w can be specified as a vector of positive numbers (will be recycled to length pp if needed) or as a positive definite matrix of size (p,p)(p,p).

The optional argument control is a list with three fields: sigma, starting point for the optimization ((m,n)(m,n) matrix of permutations; maxit, maximum number of iterations; and equal.variance, logical value that specifies whether the returned sample covariance matrices V for matched features should be equal between labels/classes (TRUE) or label-specific (FALSE, default).


A list of class matchFeat with components


best set of permutations for feature vectors ((m,n)(m,n) matrix)


associated clusters (=inverse permutations)


minimum objective value


sample mean for each class/label ((p,m)(p,m) matrix)


sample covariance for each class/label ((p,m)(p,m) matrix


function call


Degras (2022) "Scalable feature matching across large data collections." doi:10.1080/10618600.2022.2074429
Wright (2015). Coordinate descent algorithms.

See Also

match.2x, match.bca.gen, match.gaussmix, match.kmeans, match.rec, match.template


m <- length(unique(optdigits$label)) # number of classes
n <- nrow(optdigits$x) / m # number of units

## Use function with data in matrix form
fit1 <- match.bca(optdigits$x, unit=n)

## Use function with data in array form
p <- ncol(optdigits$x)
x <- t(optdigits$x)
dim(x) <- c(p,m,n)
fit2 <- match.bca(x)

[Package matchFeat version 1.0 Index]