masscor-package {masscor}R Documentation

masscor: Mass Measurement Corrections and Uncertainties.


The R package masscor provides functions, classes and methods to support mass measurements using non automatic balances as described in EURAMET's Calibration Guide No. 18 (2015). The new classes are objects that can store the calibration information for balances and mass standards. Those objects can be used to convert balance readings to both conventional mass and mass, and to perform routine balance verification (by using the normalized error function). Air buoyancy correction factors are calculated using local air density that can be calculated using environmental conditions and applying one of several models available in the package. The uncertainty of (corrected) mass measurements can also be evaluated allowing us to further assess the suitability of given mass measurement.

masscor functions

This package uses list objects of class 'calibCert' to store information of balance calibration certificates. The functions use the information of this object to convert balance reading indications to conventional mass and calculate mass uncertainties.

Several models for calculating air density are included and this information can be used to calculate the Magnitude of the Air Buoyancy Correction factor (MABC). Uncertainties calculations are made using Gauss Approximation according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) implemented in R by the package metRology (Ellison, 2018).


Cristhian Paredes,


EURAMET, Calibration Guide No. 18. 2015. Guidelines on the Calibration of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments.

Picard, A; Davis, R S; Gläser, M; Fujii, K (2008). Revised formula for the density of moist air (CIPM-2007). Metrologia, 45(2), 149–155. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/45/2/004

Harris, G. (2019). Selected Laboratory and Measurement Practices and Procedures to Support Basic Mass Calibrations. SOP 2 - Recommended Standard Operating Procedure for Applying Air Buoyancy Corrections. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). doi:10.6028/NIST.IR.6969-2019

BIMP JCGM (2008) Evaluation of measurement data — Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.

Stephen L R Ellison. (2018). metRology: Support for Metrological Applications. R package version 0.9-28-1.

[Package masscor version Index]