aleutians |
Bathymetric data for the Aleutians (Alaska) | |
Adds a box to maps including antimeridian |
as.bathy |
Convert to bathymetric data in an object of class bathy |
as.raster |
Convert bathymetric data to a raster layer |
as.SpatialGridDataFrame |
Convert bathymetric data to a spatial grid | |
Convert to xyz format |
autoplot.bathy |
Ploting bathymetric data with ggplot |
celt |
Bathymetric data for the North Est Atlantic |
check.bathy |
Sort bathymetric data matrix by increasing latitude and longitude |
col2alpha |
Adds alpha transparency to a (vector of) color(s) |
collate.bathy |
Collates two bathy matrices with data from either sides of the antimeridian |
combine.buffers |
Create a new, (non circular) composite buffer from a list of existing buffers. |
create.buffer |
Create a buffer of specified radius around one or several points |
diag.bathy |
Finds matrix diagonal for non-square matrices |
dist2isobath |
Computes the shortest great circle distance between any point and a given isobath |
etopo |
Etopo colours |
etopo.colors |
Etopo colours |
etopo.colours |
Etopo colours |
florida |
Bathymetric data around Florida, USA |
fortify.bathy |
Extract bathymetry data in a data.frame |
get.area |
Get projected surface area | |
Get bathymetric information of a belt transect |
get.depth |
Get depth data by clicking on a map |
get.sample |
Get sample data by clicking on a map |
get.transect |
Compute approximate cross section along a depth transect |
getNOAA.bathy |
Import bathymetric data from the NOAA server |
griddify |
Fill a grid with irregularly spaced data |
hawaii |
Bathymetric data for Hawaii, USA |
hawaii.sites |
Bathymetric data for Hawaii, USA |
irregular |
Irregularly spaced bathymetric data. |
is.bathy |
Test whether an object is of class bathy |
lc.dist |
Computes least cost distances between two or more locations |
linesGC |
Add Great Circle lines on a map |
marmap |
Import, plot and analyze bathymetric and topographic data |
metallo |
Coral sampling information from the North West Atlantic |
nw.atlantic |
Bathymetric data for the North West Atlantic |
nw.atlantic.coast |
Coastline data for the North West Atlantic |
outline.buffer |
Get a composite buffer in a format suitable for plotting its outline |
palette.bathy |
Builds a bathymetry- and/or topography-constrained color palette |
path.profile |
Geographic coordinates, kilometric distance and depth along a path |
plot.bathy |
Ploting bathymetric data |
plot.buffer |
Plots a circular buffer and or its outline |
plotArea |
Plotting projected surface areas |
plotProfile |
Ploting bathymetric data along a transect or path |
print.buffer |
Create a buffer of specified radius around one or several points |
read.bathy |
Read bathymetric data in XYZ format |
readGEBCO.bathy |
Read bathymetric data from a GEBCO file |
scaleBathy |
Adds a scale to a map |
scale_color_etopo |
Etopo colours |
scale_colour_etopo |
Etopo colours |
scale_fill_etopo |
Etopo colours |
setSQL |
Creating and querying local SQL database for bathymetric data |
space.pies |
Automatic placement of piecharts on maps |
subsetBathy |
Creates bathy objects from larger bathy objects |
subsetSQL |
Creating and querying local SQL database for bathymetric data |
summary.bathy |
Summary of bathymetric data of class 'bathy' |
trans.mat |
Transition matrix |