tableNA {mark}R Documentation

Table NA values


Tables out whether data are NAs are not


tableNA(..., .list = FALSE)



one or more objects which can be interpreted as factors (including numbers or character strings), or a list (such as a data frame) whose components can be so interpreted. (For as.table, arguments passed to specific methods; for, unused.)


Logical, if TRUE and ... is a list, will c


All data are checked with and the resulting TRUE or FALSE is are tabulated.


table() returns a contingency table, an object of class "table", an array of integer values. Note that unlike S the result is always an array, a 1D array if one factor is given.

as.table and is.table coerce to and test for contingency table, respectively.

The method for objects inheriting from class "table" can be used to convert the array-based representation of a contingency table to a data frame containing the classifying factors and the corresponding entries (the latter as component named by responseName). This is the inverse of xtabs.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

tabulate is the underlying function and allows finer control.

Use ftable for printing (and more) of multidimensional tables. margin.table, prop.table, addmargins.

addNA for constructing factors with NA as a level.

xtabs for cross tabulation of data frames with a formula interface.


x <- list(
  a = c(1, 2, NA, 3),
  b = c("A", NA, "B", "C"),
  c = as.Date(c("2020-01-02", NA, NA, "2020-03-02"))
tableNA(x) # entire list
tableNA(x, .list = TRUE) # counts for each
tableNA(x[1], x[2])
tableNA(x[1], x[2], x[3]) # equivalent ot tableNA(x, .list = TRUE)

[Package mark version 0.8.0 Index]