Predictions, Comparisons, Slopes, Marginal Means, and Hypothesis Tests

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Documentation for package ‘marginaleffects’ version 0.19.0

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avg_comparisons Comparisons Between Predictions Made With Different Regressor Values
avg_predictions Predictions
avg_slopes Slopes (aka Partial derivatives, Marginal Effects, or Trends)
comparisons Comparisons Between Predictions Made With Different Regressor Values
datagrid Data grids
hypotheses (Non-)Linear Tests for Null Hypotheses, Joint Hypotheses, Equivalence, Non Superiority, and Non Inferiority
inferences (EXPERIMENTAL) Bootstrap, Conformal, and Simulation-Based Inference
plot_comparisons Plot Conditional or Marginal Comparisons
plot_predictions Plot Conditional or Marginal Predictions
plot_slopes Plot Conditional or Marginal Slopes
posterior_draws Extract Posterior Draws or Bootstrap Resamples from 'marginaleffects' Objects
predictions Predictions
print.marginaleffects Print 'marginaleffects' objects
slopes Slopes (aka Partial derivatives, Marginal Effects, or Trends)