sw_cp {marelac}R Documentation

Heat Capacity of Sea Water


Estimates the heat capacity of seawater.

Valid for S = 0 to 40, T = 0 to 35 dg C


sw_cp(S = 35, t = 25, p = P-1.013253, P = 1.013253,
      method = c("Gibbs", "UNESCO"))



Salinity, when method = "UNESCO": practical salinity (-) else absolute salinity (g/kg),


Temperature, ^\circC,


gauge or applied pressure, pressure referenced against the local atmospheric pressure, bar


true pressure, bar


When "UNESCO", uses the UNESCO (1983) polynomial, when "Gibbs", based on the gibbs functions as in Feistel, 2008


Heat capacity, in Jkg1dgC1J kg^{-1} dgC^{-1}


p is applied pressure, 0 bar at sea surface.

when using UNESCO polynomial, cp for S = 40, T = 40, P = 1000 is 3849.5 J/(kg dg C).


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>


Fofonoff NP and Millard RC Jr, 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO technical papers in marine science, 44, 53 pp.

Feistel R, 2008. A Gibbs function for seawater thermodynamics for -6 to 80 dgC and salinity up to 120 g/kg. Deep-Sea Research I, 55, 1639-1671.

McDougall TJ, Feistel R, Millero FJ, Jackett DR, Wright DG, King BA, Marion GM, Chen C-T A and Spitzer P, 2009. Calculation of the Thermophysical Properties of Seawater, Global Ship-based Repeat Hydrography Manual, IOCCP Report No. 14, ICPO Publication Series no. 134.

See Also

sw_adtgrad, sw_alpha, sw_beta, sw_comp, sw_conserv, sw_dens, sw_depth, sw_enthalpy, sw_entropy, sw_gibbs, sw_kappa, sw_kappa_t, sw_sfac, sw_svel, sw_tfreeze, sw_tpot

convert_PStoAS, to convert from practical salinity (-) to absolute salinity (g/kg)

convert_AStoPS, to convert from absolute salinity (g/kg) to practical salinity (-)


sw_cp(S = 40, t = 40, p = 1000, method="UNESCO")  # 3849.5

# Check value Gibbs function

# Check values UNESCO
sw_cp(S = 25, t = 10, p = 0,    method = "UNESCO")  # 4041.8
sw_cp(S = 25, t = 10, p = 1000, method = "UNESCO")  # 3842.3
sw_cp(S = 25, t = 30, p = 0,    method = "UNESCO")  # 4049.1

sw_cp(S = 40, t = 10, p = 0, method = "UNESCO")  # 3959.3

[Package marelac version 2.1.11 Index]