Migration and Range Change Estimation in R

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Documentation for package ‘marcher’ version 0.0-2

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marcher-package Migration and Range Change Analysis in R
estimate.mouf.nls Estimating range shifts
estimate_shift Estimating range shifts
fitNSD Test range shift using net-squared displacement
geMu.nls Estimating range shifts
getAIC.nls Estimate likelihoods and AICs
getArea Compute area
getCov Estimation Helper Functions
getLikelihood Estimate likelihoods and AICs
getLikelihood.res Estimate likelihoods and AICs
getMu Obtain mean vector for a range shift process
getMu_multi Obtain mean vector for a range shift process
getP.nls Estimating range shifts
getRSI Compute Range Shift Index
getTau Compute time scale parameters
locate_shift Interactive locating of range shifting
marcher Migration and Range Change Analysis in R
Michela Movement track of Michela, a roe deer
MOU.3range Simulated range shift tracks
MOU.sim Simulated range shift tracks
MOUF.sim Simulated range shift tracks
MOUF.sim.random Simulated range shift tracks
mvrnorm2 Estimation Helper Functions
MWN.sim Simulated range shift tracks
plot.shiftfit Plot results of an range-shift fit
quickfit Quick fit of one-step migration
scan_track scan_track
selectModel Select residual model
SimulatedTracks Simulated range shift tracks
simulate_shift Simulate MOUF process
test_rangeshift Range shift hypothesis tests
test_return Range shift hypothesis tests
test_stopover Range shift hypothesis tests