marcher-package |
Migration and Range Change Analysis in R |
estimate.mouf.nls |
Estimating range shifts |
estimate_shift |
Estimating range shifts |
fitNSD |
Test range shift using net-squared displacement |
geMu.nls |
Estimating range shifts |
getAIC.nls |
Estimate likelihoods and AICs |
getArea |
Compute area |
getCov |
Estimation Helper Functions |
getLikelihood |
Estimate likelihoods and AICs |
getLikelihood.res |
Estimate likelihoods and AICs |
getMu |
Obtain mean vector for a range shift process |
getMu_multi |
Obtain mean vector for a range shift process |
getP.nls |
Estimating range shifts |
getRSI |
Compute Range Shift Index |
getTau |
Compute time scale parameters |
locate_shift |
Interactive locating of range shifting |
marcher |
Migration and Range Change Analysis in R |
Michela |
Movement track of Michela, a roe deer |
MOU.3range |
Simulated range shift tracks |
MOU.sim |
Simulated range shift tracks |
MOUF.sim |
Simulated range shift tracks |
MOUF.sim.random |
Simulated range shift tracks |
mvrnorm2 |
Estimation Helper Functions |
MWN.sim |
Simulated range shift tracks |
plot.shiftfit |
Plot results of an range-shift fit |
quickfit |
Quick fit of one-step migration |
scan_track |
scan_track |
selectModel |
Select residual model |
SimulatedTracks |
Simulated range shift tracks |
simulate_shift |
Simulate MOUF process |
test_rangeshift |
Range shift hypothesis tests |
test_return |
Range shift hypothesis tests |
test_stopover |
Range shift hypothesis tests |