Employment.2 | Employment status in two categories (march dataset format) |
march | Computation of Markovian models for categorical data |
march.AIC | Compute Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) is computed for a given 'march.Model-class' according to the data used during construction. |
march.BIC | Compute Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). |
march.Dataset-class | Dataset for march package. |
march.dataset.h.extractSequence | Extract a sequence from a dataset. |
march.dataset.loadFromDataFrame | Construct a dataset from a data.frame or a matrix. |
march.dataset.loadFromFile | Load a dataset from a file. |
march.Dcmm-class | A Double Chain Markov Model (DCMM). |
march.dcmm.construct | Construct a double chain Markov model (DCMM). |
march.dcmm.viterbi | Viterbi algorithm for a DCMM model. |
march.Indep-class | An independence model. |
march.indep.bailey | Bailey Confidence Intervals for an Independence model. |
march.indep.construct | Construct an independence model (zero-order Markov chain). |
march.indep.thompson | Thompson Confidence Intervals for an Independence model. |
march.Mc-class | A Markov chain of order >= 1. |
march.mc.bailey | Bailey Confidence Intervals for a Markov chain. |
march.mc.construct | Construct an homogeneous Markov Chain. |
march.mc.thompson | Thompson Confidence Intervals for a Markov chain model. |
march.Model-class | A basic and virtual march model. |
march.Mtd-class | A Mixture Transition Distribution (MTD) model. |
march.mtd.bailey | Bailey Confidence Intervals for a MTD model. |
march.mtd.construct | Construct a Mixture Transition Distribution (MTD) model. |
march.mtd.thompson | Thompson Confidence Intervals for a MTD model. |
march.read | Load a march.Model. |
march.summary | march.Model Summary. |
march.write | Save a march.Model |
pewee | Song of the Wood Pewee (march dataset format) |
pewee_df | Song of the Wood Pewee (data frame format) |
pewee_t | Song of the Wood Pewee (text format) |
sleep | Sleep disorders (march dataset format) |
sleep_df | Sleep disorders (data frame format) |