Data Visualisation on Maps

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Documentation for package ‘mapplots’ version 1.5.2

Help Pages

mapplots-package Data visualisation on maps
add.pie Add pie plot to existing plot
barplot2D Draw 2-dimensional barplots
basemap Draw a (blank) map
breaks.grid Define breakpoints for colour scales
coast Shapefile of the Irish and UK coastlines
draw.barplot2D Draw 2-dimensional barplots in an existing plot
draw.bubble Draw bubble plots in an existing plot
draw.grid Display a grd object as a heatmap
draw.pie Draw pie plots in an existing plot
draw.rect Draw ICES rectangles in an existing plot
draw.shape Draw shapefiles in an existing plot
draw.xy Draw xy sub-plots in an existing plot
effort Spatially disaggregated fishing effort and landings data
get.asp Get the current aspect ratio of a plot
ices.rect Convert ICES rectangles from or to geographical coordinates
ices.rect2 Convert ICES rectangles from or to geographical coordinates
landings Spatially disaggregated landings data Define location of a legend box.
legend.bubble Legend for bubble plot
legend.grid Legend for
legend.pie Legend for pie plots
make.grid Create grd object
make.multigrid Create a grd object Create xyz object
mapplots Data visualisation on maps
progressMsg Progress message
setProgressMsg Progress message
write.grid Export a grd object as csv or shapefile