PH/MAP Parameter Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘mapfit’ version 1.0.0

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mapfit-package mapfit: PH/MAP Parameter Estimation
AERHMMClass ErlangHMM for MAP with fixed phases
AHerlangClass Hyper-Erlang distribution with a fixed phase
as.gph Convert from HErlang to GPH Convert from ERHMM to MAP
BCpAug89 Packet Trace Data
cf1 Create CF1
cf1.param Create CF1 with data information
cf1.param.linear Determine CF1 parameters
cf1.param.power Determine CF1 parameters
CF1Class Canonical phase-type distribution Markov stationary Create group data for map Create data for map Create group data for phase
data.frame.phase.time Create data for phase with weighted sample
dphase Probability density function of PH distribution
emoptions EM Options
erhmm Create ERHMM
erhmm.param Determine ERHMM parameters
ERHMMClass ErlangHMM for MAP
gmmpp Create GMMPP
GMMPPClass GMMPP: Approximation for MAP
gph.param Generate GPH using the information on data
GPHClass General phase-type distribution
herlang Create HErlang distribution
herlang.param Determine hyper-Erlang parameters
HErlangClass Hyper-Erlang distribution
map Create MAP
map.acf k-lag correlation of MAP
map.jmoment Joint moments of MAP
map.mmoment Marginal moments of MAP
map.param Generate MAP using the information on data
MAPClass General Markovian arrival process
mapfit mapfit: PH/MAP Parameter Estimation MAP fitting with grouped data
mapfit.point MAP fitting with point data
mmpp Create an MMPP
ph Create GPH distribution
ph.bidiag Create a bi-diagonal PH distribution
ph.coxian Create a Coxian PH distribution
ph.mean Mean of PH distribution
ph.moment Moments of PH distribution
ph.tridiag Create a tri-diagonal PH distribution
ph.var Variance of PH distribution
phfit.3mom PH fitting with three moments
phfit.density PH fitting with density function PH fitting with grouped data
phfit.point PH fitting with point data
pphase Distribution function of PH distribution
rphase Sampling of PH distributions