An R Interface to 'Mapbox GL JS'

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Documentation for package ‘mapboxer’ version 0.4.0

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add_circle_layer Add a circle layer to the map
add_control Add a standard control to the map
add_draw_control Add a draw control to the map (experimental)
add_fill_layer Add a fill layer to the map
add_filter_control Add a filter control to the map
add_fullscreen_control Add a standard control to the map
add_layer Add a layer to the map
add_line_layer Add a line layer to the map
add_marker Add a single marker to the map
add_mouse_position_control Add a mouse position control to the map
add_navigation_control Add a standard control to the map
add_popups Add popups to a layer
add_scale_control Add a standard control to the map
add_source Add a Mapbox source to the map
add_text_control Add a text control to the map
add_tooltips Add tooltips to a layer
as_mapbox_source Convert a data object to a Mapbox GeoJSON source Convert a data object to a Mapbox GeoJSON source
as_mapbox_source.json Convert a data object to a Mapbox GeoJSON source
as_mapbox_source.sf Convert a data object to a Mapbox GeoJSON source
basemaps A list of basemap style URLs
basemap_background_style Create a background style
basemap_raster_style Create a raster style
fit_bounds Fit the map to a bounding box
mapboxer Create a mapboxer widget
mapboxer-shiny Shiny bindings for mapboxer
mapboxerOutput Shiny bindings for mapboxer
mapboxer_proxy Create a mapboxer proxy object
mapbox_source Create a Mapbox source
motor_vehicle_collisions_nyc Motor Vehicle Collisions in NYC
renderMapboxer Shiny bindings for mapboxer
set_data Update the data of a Mapbox source
set_data.character Update the data of a Mapbox source Update the data of a Mapbox source
set_data.json Update the data of a Mapbox source
set_data.sf Update the data of a Mapbox source
set_filter Set the filter of a layer
set_layer_properties Update layer properties
set_layout_property Update layer properties
set_paint_property Update layer properties
set_style Set the style of the map
set_view_state Set the view state of the map
stamen_raster_tiles Get Stamen raster tile URLs
update_mapboxer Update a mapboxer proxy object in a Shiny app