R Interface to 'Mapbox' Web Services

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Documentation for package ‘mapboxapi’ version 0.5.3

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addMapboxTiles Use a Mapbox style in a Leaflet map
check_upload_status Check the status of a Mapbox upload
feature_options Specify feature options for an MTS recipe layer
get_mb_access_token Install or retrieve a Mapbox access token in your .Renviron for repeated use
get_static_tiles Get static tiles from a Mapbox style for use as a basemap
get_style Get information about a style or list styles from a Mapbox account
get_vector_tiles Retrieve vector tiles from a given Mapbox tileset
layer_static_mapbox Make a static Mapbox ggplot2 layer or tmap basemap
list_styles Get information about a style or list styles from a Mapbox account
list_tokens Install or retrieve a Mapbox access token in your .Renviron for repeated use
mapboxapi An R interface to Mapbox web services
mb_access_token Install or retrieve a Mapbox access token in your .Renviron for repeated use
mb_directions Make a request to the Mapbox Directions API
mb_geocode Geocode an address or place description using the Mapbox Geocoding API
mb_isochrone Generate isochrones using the Mapbox Navigation Service Isochrone API
mb_matrix Retrieve a matrix of travel times from the Mapbox Directions API
mb_optimized_route Return an optimized route for a series of input coordinates
mb_reverse_geocode Geocode an address or place description using the Mapbox Geocoding API
mts_create_source Create a Mapbox tileset source from a sf object using the Mapbox Tiling Service API
mts_create_tileset Create a tileset with the Mapbox Tiling Service API
mts_get_recipe Retrieve the recipe for an MTS tileset in your Mapbox account
mts_list_sources List tileset sources in your Mapbox account
mts_list_tilesets List tilesets in a Mapbox account
mts_make_recipe Prepare a recipe for use with the Mapbox Tiling Service
mts_publish_tileset Publish a tileset with Mapbox Tiling Service
mts_update_recipe Update a tileset's MTS recipe
mts_validate_recipe Validate a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe
prep_overlay_markers Prepare overlay markers for use in a Mapbox static map
query_tiles Get information about features in a tileset using the Tilequery API
recipe_layer Prepare a formatted recipe layer for use in a Mapbox Tiling Service recipe
static_mapbox Return a static Mapbox map from a specified style
tile_options Specify tile options for an MTS recipe layer
tippecanoe Generate an .mbtiles file with tippecanoe
tm_static_mapbox Make a static Mapbox ggplot2 layer or tmap basemap
upload_tiles Upload dataset to your Mapbox account