Many Ways to Make, Modify, Map, Mark, and Measure Myriad Networks

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Documentation for package ‘manynet’ version 1.0.2

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-- A --

add_nodes Modifying node data
add_node_attribute Modifying node data
add_ties Modifying tie data
add_tie_attribute Modifying tie data
arrange_ties Modifying tie data
as Modifying network classes
as_diffnet Modifying network classes
as_diffusion Modifying network classes
as_edgelist Modifying network classes
as_graphAM Modifying network classes
as_igraph Modifying network classes
as_matrix Modifying network classes
as_network Modifying network classes
as_siena Modifying network classes
as_tidygraph Modifying network classes

-- B --

between_centrality Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
bind_node_attributes Modifying node data
bind_ties Modifying tie data

-- C --

close_centrality Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
cluster Methods for equivalence clustering
cluster_concor Methods for equivalence clustering
cluster_hierarchical Methods for equivalence clustering
configuration_layouts Layout algorithms based on configurational positions
correlation Node correlation
create Making networks with defined structures
create_components Making networks with defined structures
create_core Making networks with defined structures
create_empty Making networks with defined structures
create_explicit Making networks with defined structures
create_filled Making networks with defined structures
create_lattice Making networks with defined structures
create_ring Making networks with defined structures
create_star Making networks with defined structures
create_tree Making networks with defined structures

-- D --

data_overview Obtain overview of available network data
degree_centrality Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
delete_nodes Modifying node data
delete_ties Modifying tie data

-- E --

eigenv_centrality Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
extract_tute Open and extract code from tutorials

-- F --

features Marking networks features
filter_nodes Modifying node data
filter_ties Modifying tie data
from Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices
from_egos Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices
from_slices Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices
from_subgraphs Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices
from_ties Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices
from_waves Joining lists of networks, graphs, and matrices

-- G --

generate Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_configuration Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_permutation Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_random Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_scalefree Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_smallworld Making networks with a stochastic element
generate_utilities Making networks with a stochastic element
graphr Easily graph networks with sensible defaults
graphs Easily graph a set of networks with sensible defaults
grapht Easily animate dynamic networks with sensible defaults

-- I --

is Marking networks classes
ison_adolescents One-mode subset of the adolescent society network (Coleman 1961)
ison_algebra Multiplex graph object of friends, social, and task ties (McFarland 2001)
ison_brandes One-mode and two-mode centrality demonstration networks
ison_friends One-mode Friends character connections (McNulty, 2020)
ison_greys One-mode undirected network of characters hook-ups on Grey's Anatomy TV show
ison_hightech One-mode multiplex, directed network of managers of a high-tech company (Krackhardt 1987)
ison_karateka One-mode karateka network (Zachary 1977)
ison_koenigsberg One-mode Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg network (Euler 1741)
ison_laterals Two-mode projection examples (Hollway 2021)
ison_lawfirm One-mode lawfirm (Lazega 2001)
ison_lotr One-mode network of Lord of the Rings character interactions
ison_marvel Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)
ison_marvel_relationships Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)
ison_marvel_teams Multilevel two-mode affiliation, signed one-mode networks of Marvel comic book characters (Yuksel 2017)
ison_monastery Three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
ison_monastery_esteem Three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
ison_monastery_influence Three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
ison_monastery_like Three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
ison_monastery_praise Three one-mode signed, weighted networks and a three-wave longitudinal network of monks (Sampson 1969)
ison_networkers One-mode EIES dataset (Freeman and Freeman 1979)
ison_physicians Four multiplex one-mode physician diffusion data (Coleman, Katz, and Menzel, 1966)
ison_potter Six complex one-mode support data in Harry Potter books (Bossaert and Meidert 2013)
ison_southern_women Two-mode southern women (Davis, Gardner and Gardner 1941)
ison_starwars Seven one-mode Star Wars character interactions (Gabasova 2016)
ison_usstates One-mode undirected network of US state contiguity (Meghanathan 2017)
is_acyclic Marking networks features
is_aperiodic Marking networks features
is_attributed Marking networks formats
is_complex Marking networks formats
is_connected Marking networks features
is_directed Marking networks formats
is_dynamic Marking networks classes
is_edgelist Marking networks classes
is_eulerian Marking networks features
is_format Marking networks formats
is_graph Marking networks classes
is_labelled Marking networks formats
is_list Marking networks classes
is_longitudinal Marking networks classes
is_manynet Marking networks classes
is_multiplex Marking networks formats
is_perfect_matching Marking networks features
is_signed Marking networks formats
is_twomode Marking networks formats
is_uniplex Marking networks formats
is_weighted Marking networks formats

-- J --

join_nodes Modifying node data
join_ties Modifying tie data

-- K --

kselect Methods for selecting clusters
k_elbow Methods for selecting clusters
k_silhouette Methods for selecting clusters
k_strict Methods for selecting clusters

-- L --

layout_tbl_graph_alluvial Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_concentric Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_configuration Layout algorithms based on configurational positions
layout_tbl_graph_hierarchy Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_ladder Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_lineage Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_multilevel Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_quad Layout algorithms based on configurational positions
layout_tbl_graph_railway Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
layout_tbl_graph_triad Layout algorithms based on configurational positions
learning Making learning models on networks

-- M --

many_palettes Many palettes generator
mark_core Core-periphery clustering algorithms
mark_diff Marking nodes based on diffusion properties
mark_nodes Marking nodes based on structural properties
mark_select Marking nodes for selection based on measures
mark_ties Marking ties based on structural properties
mark_tie_select Marking ties for selection based on measures
measure_attributes Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
measure_closure Measures of network closure
measure_cohesion Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
measure_features Measures of network topological features
measure_heterogeneity Measures of network diversity
measure_hierarchy Graph theoretic dimensions of hierarchy
measure_holes Measures of structural holes
measure_infection Measures of network infection
measure_net_diffusion Measures of network diffusion
measure_node_diffusion Measures of nodes in a diffusion
measure_periods Measures of network change
measure_properties Describing network properties
member_cliques Clique partitioning algorithms
member_community_hier Hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
member_community_non Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
member_components Component partitioning algorithms
member_diffusion Membership of nodes in a diffusion
member_equivalence Equivalence clustering algorithms
miss Modifying missing tie data
motif_brokerage Motifs of brokerage
motif_diffusion Motifs of diffusion
motif_net Motifs at the network level
motif_node Motifs at the nodal level
mutate Modifying node data
mutate_nodes Modifying node data
mutate_ties Modifying tie data

-- N --

na_to_mean Modifying missing tie data
na_to_zero Modifying missing tie data
net_adhesion Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_assortativity Measures of network diversity
net_balance Measures of network topological features
net_betweenness Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
net_by_brokerage Motifs of brokerage
net_by_dyad Motifs at the network level
net_by_mixed Motifs at the network level
net_by_triad Motifs at the network level
net_change Measures of network change
net_closeness Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
net_cohesion Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_components Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_congruency Measures of network closure
net_connectedness Graph theoretic dimensions of hierarchy
net_core Measures of network topological features
net_degree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
net_density Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_diameter Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_dims Describing network properties
net_diversity Measures of network diversity
net_efficiency Graph theoretic dimensions of hierarchy
net_eigenvector Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
net_equivalency Measures of network closure
net_factions Measures of network topological features
net_harmonic Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
net_hazard Measures of network diffusion
net_heterophily Measures of network diversity
net_immunity Measures of network diffusion
net_indegree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
net_independence Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_infection_complete Measures of network infection
net_infection_peak Measures of network infection
net_infection_total Measures of network infection
net_length Measures of network cohesion or connectedness
net_modularity Measures of network topological features
net_nodes Describing network properties
net_node_attributes Describing network properties
net_outdegree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
net_reach Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
net_reciprocity Measures of network closure
net_recovery Measures of network diffusion
net_reproduction Measures of network diffusion
net_richclub Measures of network topological features
net_richness Measures of network diversity
net_scalefree Measures of network topological features
net_smallworld Measures of network topological features
net_spatial Measures of network diversity
net_stability Measures of network change
net_ties Describing network properties
net_tie_attributes Describing network properties
net_transitivity Measures of network closure
net_transmissibility Measures of network diffusion
net_upperbound Graph theoretic dimensions of hierarchy
node_adoption_time Measures of nodes in a diffusion
node_alpha Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
node_attribute Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
node_betweenness Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
node_bridges Measures of structural holes
node_brokering_activity Motifs of brokerage
node_brokering_exclusivity Motifs of brokerage
node_by_brokerage Motifs of brokerage
node_by_exposure Motifs of diffusion
node_by_path Motifs at the nodal level
node_by_quad Motifs at the nodal level
node_by_tie Motifs at the nodal level
node_by_triad Motifs at the nodal level
node_closeness Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
node_constraint Measures of structural holes
node_coreness Core-periphery clustering algorithms
node_deg Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_degree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_diversity Measures of network diversity
node_eccentricity Measures of structural holes
node_efficiency Measures of structural holes
node_effsize Measures of structural holes
node_eigenvector Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
node_exposure Measures of nodes in a diffusion
node_flow Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
node_harmonic Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
node_heterophily Measures of network diversity
node_hierarchy Measures of structural holes
node_indegree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_induced Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
node_information Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
node_in_adopter Membership of nodes in a diffusion
node_in_automorphic Equivalence clustering algorithms
node_in_betweenness Hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_brokering Motifs of brokerage
node_in_component Component partitioning algorithms
node_in_eigen Hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_equivalence Equivalence clustering algorithms
node_in_fluid Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_greedy Hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_infomap Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_leiden Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_louvain Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_optimal Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_partition Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_regular Equivalence clustering algorithms
node_in_roulette Clique partitioning algorithms
node_in_spinglass Non-hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_strong Component partitioning algorithms
node_in_structural Equivalence clustering algorithms
node_in_walktrap Hierarchical community partitioning algorithms
node_in_weak Component partitioning algorithms
node_is_core Core-periphery clustering algorithms
node_is_cutpoint Marking nodes based on structural properties
node_is_exposed Marking nodes based on diffusion properties
node_is_fold Marking nodes based on structural properties
node_is_independent Marking nodes based on structural properties
node_is_infected Marking nodes based on diffusion properties
node_is_isolate Marking nodes based on structural properties
node_is_latent Marking nodes based on diffusion properties
node_is_max Marking nodes for selection based on measures
node_is_mentor Marking nodes based on structural properties
node_is_min Marking nodes for selection based on measures
node_is_mode Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
node_is_random Marking nodes for selection based on measures
node_is_recovered Marking nodes based on diffusion properties
node_multidegree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_names Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
node_neighbours_degree Measures of structural holes
node_outdegree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_pagerank Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
node_posneg Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
node_power Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
node_reach Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
node_reciprocity Measures of network closure
node_recovery Measures of nodes in a diffusion
node_redundancy Measures of structural holes
node_richness Measures of network diversity
node_thresholds Measures of nodes in a diffusion
node_transitivity Measures of network closure

-- O --

over Helper functions for measuring over splits of networks
over_time Helper functions for measuring over splits of networks
over_waves Helper functions for measuring over splits of networks

-- P --

partition_layouts Layout algorithms based on bi- or other partitions
play Making diffusion models on networks
play_diffusion Making diffusion models on networks
play_diffusions Making diffusion models on networks
play_learning Making learning models on networks
play_segregation Making learning models on networks

-- R --

read Making networks from external files
read_dynetml Making networks from external files
read_edgelist Making networks from external files
read_graphml Making networks from external files
read_matrix Making networks from external files
read_nodelist Making networks from external files
read_pajek Making networks from external files
read_ucinet Making networks from external files
reformat Modifying network formats
rename Modifying node data
rename_nodes Modifying node data
rename_ties Modifying tie data
run_tute Open and extract code from tutorials

-- S --

scales Many scales
scale_color_centres Many scales
scale_color_ethz Many scales
scale_color_iheid Many scales
scale_color_rug Many scales
scale_color_sdgs Many scales
scale_color_uzh Many scales
scale_colour_centres Many scales
scale_colour_ethz Many scales
scale_colour_iheid Many scales
scale_colour_rug Many scales
scale_colour_sdgs Many scales
scale_colour_uzh Many scales
scale_edge_color_centres Many scales
scale_edge_color_ethz Many scales
scale_edge_color_iheid Many scales
scale_edge_color_rug Many scales
scale_edge_color_sdgs Many scales
scale_edge_color_uzh Many scales
scale_edge_colour_centres Many scales
scale_edge_colour_ethz Many scales
scale_edge_colour_iheid Many scales
scale_edge_colour_rug Many scales
scale_edge_colour_sdgs Many scales
scale_edge_colour_uzh Many scales
scale_fill_centres Many scales
scale_fill_ethz Many scales
scale_fill_iheid Many scales
scale_fill_rug Many scales
scale_fill_sdgs Many scales
scale_fill_uzh Many scales
select_ties Modifying tie data
split Splitting networks into lists
summarise_ties Modifying tie data

-- T --

table_data Obtain overview of available network data
themes Many themes
theme_ethz Many themes
theme_iheid Many themes
theme_rug Many themes
theme_uzh Many themes
tie_attribute Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
tie_betweenness Measures of betweenness-like centrality and centralisation
tie_closeness Measures of closeness-like centrality and centralisation
tie_cohesion Measures of structural holes
tie_degree Measures of degree-like centrality and centralisation
tie_eigenvector Measures of eigenvector-like centrality and centralisation
tie_is_bridge Marking ties based on structural properties
tie_is_feedback Marking ties based on structural properties
tie_is_loop Marking ties based on structural properties
tie_is_max Marking ties for selection based on measures
tie_is_min Marking ties for selection based on measures
tie_is_multiple Marking ties based on structural properties
tie_is_random Marking ties for selection based on measures
tie_is_reciprocated Marking ties based on structural properties
tie_signs Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
tie_weights Describing attributes of nodes or ties in a network
to_acyclic Modifying network formats
to_anti Modifying network formats
to_blocks Modifying networks scope
to_components Splitting networks into lists
to_correlation Node correlation
to_directed Modifying network formats
to_egos Splitting networks into lists
to_eulerian Modifying networks paths
to_galois Modifying networks projection
to_giant Modifying networks scope
to_levels Modifying network levels
to_matching Modifying networks paths
to_mentoring Modifying networks paths
to_mode1 Modifying networks projection
to_mode2 Modifying networks projection
to_multilevel Modifying network levels
to_named Modifying network formats
to_no_isolates Modifying networks scope
to_onemode Modifying network levels
to_paths Modifying networks paths
to_project Modifying networks projection
to_reciprocated Modifying network formats
to_redirected Modifying network formats
to_scope Modifying networks scope
to_simplex Modifying network formats
to_slices Splitting networks into lists
to_subgraph Modifying networks scope
to_subgraphs Splitting networks into lists
to_ties Modifying networks projection
to_tree Modifying networks paths
to_twomode Modifying network levels
to_undirected Modifying network formats
to_uniplex Modifying network formats
to_unnamed Modifying network formats
to_unsigned Modifying network formats
to_unweighted Modifying network formats
to_waves Splitting networks into lists
tutorials Open and extract code from tutorials

-- W --

write Making networks to external files
write_edgelist Making networks to external files
write_graphml Making networks to external files
write_matrix Making networks to external files
write_nodelist Making networks to external files
write_pajek Making networks to external files
write_ucinet Making networks to external files