Operations for Riemannian Manifolds

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Documentation for package ‘manifold’ version 0.1.1

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-- A --

axisAngleRep Returns the angle representation of SO(3) matrices c.f. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis-angle_representation>

-- B --

basisTan Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space
basisTan.Euclidean Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space
basisTan.FlatTorus Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space
basisTan.SO Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space
basisTan.SPD Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space
basisTan.Sphere Obtain an orthonormal basis on the tangent space

-- C --

calcAmbDim Dimensions in this package
calcGeomPar Dimensions in this package
calcIntDim Dimensions in this package
calcTanDim Dimensions in this package
coordToTanV Transform the coordinates for the tangent space into a tangent vector
coordToTanV.default Transform the coordinates for the tangent space into a tangent vector
createM Create an object to symbolize the manifold.

-- D --

dimensions Dimensions in this package
distance Geodesic distance
distance.AffInv Geodesic distance
distance.Dens Geodesic distance
distance.Euclidean Geodesic distance
distance.HS Geodesic distance
distance.L2 Geodesic distance
distance.LogEu Geodesic distance
distance.SO Geodesic distance
distance.Sphere Geodesic distance

-- E --

ExpM Matrix exponential

-- F --

frechetMean Calculate the Fréchet mean
frechetMean.default Calculate the Fréchet mean
frechetMedian Calculate the Fréchet median
frechetMedian.default Calculate the Fréchet median

-- G --

geodesicCurve Obtain the geodesic curve
geodesicCurve.HS Obtain the geodesic curve
geodesicCurve.Sphere Obtain the geodesic curve
GetSettingName Helper function for simulations

-- I --

is.finiteDim Tell whether a manifold is a finite-dimensional one

-- L --

listAvailMfd List all available manifold names
LogM Matrix logarithm
LogMSPD Matrix logarithm of a symmetric positive definite

-- M --

MakeSym Make a symmetric matrix by specifying a near-symmetric matrix M, or the lower triangular elements lowerTri with diagonal.
manifold manifold: Operations for Riemannian manifolds
metric Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.AffInv Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.default Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.Dens Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.Euclidean Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.HS Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.LogEu Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.SO Returns the Riemannian metric
metric.Sphere Returns the Riemannian metric

-- N --

norm Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.AffInv Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.default Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.Dens Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.Euclidean Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.HS Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.L2 Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.LogEu Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.SO Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
norm.Sphere Norm on the tangent space induced by the Riemannian metric
Normalize Normalize a vector

-- O --

origin Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.Dens Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.Euclidean Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.HS Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.L2 Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.SO Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.SPD Returns the origin of the manifold
origin.Sphere Returns the origin of the manifold

-- P --

project Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.AffInv Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.Dens Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.Euclidean Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.HS Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.L2 Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.LogEu Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.SO Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.SPD Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
project.Sphere Project data points in the ambient space onto the manifold
projectTangent Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.Dens Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.Euclidean Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.HS Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.L2 Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.SO Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.SPD Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space
projectTangent.Sphere Project data points in the ambient space onto the tangent space

-- R --

rieExp Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.AffInv Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.Dens Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.Euclidean Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.HS Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.L2 Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.LogEu Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.SO Riemannian exponential map
rieExp.Sphere Riemannian exponential map
rieLog Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.AffInv Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.Dens Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.Euclidean Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.HS Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.L2 Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.LogEu Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.SO Riemannian logarithm map
rieLog.Sphere Riemannian logarithm map
rmfd Generate random variables on the manifold
rmfd.default Generate random variables on the manifold
runifSphere Generate uniform random variables on the unit sphere

-- T --

tanVToCoord Transform tangent vectors to their coordinates on the tangent space
tanVToCoord.default Transform tangent vectors to their coordinates on the tangent space