mp_parties {manifestoR}R Documentation

Access to the Parties Lists for the Manifesto Project Data


These functions provide access to machine-readable versions of the List of Parties of the Manifesto Project Data as can be found in CSV form under . Note: the list of parties is not available for all of the past datasets. You can check the availability by going to the datasets page and check for specific datasets whether they have party lists in the following formats "List – Short (CSV)" or "List – Long (CSV)" available. There you can also find the codebooks with details for these list of parties.


  version = "current",
  apikey = NULL,
  cache = TRUE,
  list_form = "short"



version of the Manifesto Project Main Dataset for which the list of parties is requested. Note: the list of parties is not available for all of the past datasets. Defaults to "current", which fetches the most recent version. Must be formatted as e.g. "MPDS2023a".


API key to use. Defaults to NULL, resulting in using the API key set via mp_setapikey.


Whether result of API call should be cached locally (defaults to TRUE)


Whether the result should be the short or the long version (defaults to "short")


mp_parties returns the list of parties as a tibble, ideal for further automatic processing.

[Package manifestoR version 1.6.0 Index]