mp_nicheness {manifestoR}R Documentation

Party nicheness measures


Computes party nicheness measures suggested by Bischof 2015 and Meyer and Miller 2013.


mp_nicheness(data, method = "bischof", ...)

  groups = meyer_miller_2013_policy_dimensions(),
  transform = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  weights = "pervote",
  party_system_normalization = TRUE,
  only_non_zero = TRUE

  out_variables = c("party", "date", "specialization", "nicheness", "nicheness_two"),
  groups = bischof_issue_groups(),
  diversification_bounds = c(0, rep(1/length(groups), length(groups)) %>% {
     -(. *
 } %>% sum()),
  smooth = function(x) {
     (x + lag(x, default = first(first(x))))/2



a dataframe or matrix in format of Manifesto Project Main Dataset


choose between bischof and meyermiller


parmaeters passed on to specialized functions for differnet methods


groups of issues to determine niches/policy dimensions; formatted as named lists variable names. For Meyer & Miller: Defaults to adapted version of Baeck et. al 2010 Policy dimensions (without industry, as used in the original paper by Meyer & Miller). For Bischof: defaults to issue groups used in the Bischof 2015 paper


transform to apply to each of the group indicators. Can be a function, character "bischof" to apply log(x + 1), or NULL for no transformation.


Smoothing of policy dimension values before nicheness computation, as suggested and used by Bischof 2015


vector of the length nrow(data) or the name of a variable in data; is used to weight mean party system position and nicheness; defaults to "pervote" as in Meyer & Miller 2013


normalize nicheness result within election (substract weighted mean nicheness)


When dividing by the number of policy dimensions used for nicheness estimation, ignore dimensions that are zero for all parties (election-wise)


names of variables to return in data.frame. Can be any from the input or that are generated during the computation of Bischof's nicheness measure. See details for a list.


Bounds of the range of the diversification measure (Shannon's entropy $s_p$ in Bischof 2015), used for inversion and normalization; default to the theoretical bounds of the entropy of a distribution on 5 discrete elements. If "empirical", the empirical max and min of the diversification measure are used


List of possible outputs of nicheness_bischof:

diversification: Shannon's entropy $s_p$ in Bischof 2015

max_divers: used maximum for diversification

min_divers: used minimum for diversification

specialization: inverted diversification

specialization_stand: standardized specialization

nicheness: nicheness according to Meyer & Miller 2013 without vote share weighting

nicheness_stand: standardized nicheness

nicheness_two: sum of nicheness_stand and specialization_stand as proposed by Bischof 2015


Bischof, D. (2015). Towards a Renewal of the Niche Party Concept Parties, Market Shares and Condensed Offers. Party Politics.

Meyer, T.M., & Miller, B. (2013). The Niche Party Concept and Its Measurement. Party Politics 21(2): 259-271.

Baeck, H., Debus, M., & Dumont, P. (2010). Who gets what in coalition governments? Predictors of portfolio allocation in parliamentary democracies. European Journal of Political Research 50(4): 441-478.

[Package manifestoR version 1.6.0 Index]