sysdeps {maketools}R Documentation

Package System Dependencies


Shows the external shared libraries that an installed R package is linked to by running ldd on the package so file. Then uses system package manager (e.g. dpkg or rpm or brew) to locate which system package that contains the binaries, headers, and (if available) sources for this library.


package_sysdeps(pkg, lib.loc = NULL)

package_sysdeps_string(pkg, lib.loc = NULL)

package_links_to(pkg, lib.loc = NULL)



name of an installed R package


path to the R package directory for this package


For common distributions, the output also includes a URL to the distro-homepage of the system package. Here we can typically find more information about the package, such as configuration options, dependencies, and custom patches applied by your distribution.

Because we use ldd, this only shows run-time dependencies of an installed R package. This is especially relevant if you distribute the compiled R package in binary form, because the same external libraries need to be available on the user/deployment machine. This tool does not show dependencies that are only needed at build-time, such as static or header-only libraries, and other utilities required to build the package.

See Also

Other maketools: diagnostics, make(), pkgconfig, r_config

[Package maketools version 1.3.0 Index]