Pretty Scientific Plotting with Minor-Tick and Log Minor-Tick Support

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Documentation for package ‘magicaxis’ version 2.4.5

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magaxis Magically pretty axes
magband Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magbar Pretty colour bar
magbin 2D Binning Routines
magclip Magical sigma clipping
magcon 2D quantile images and contours
magcurve Draw Function Plots
magcutout Image Cutout Utility
magecliptic Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magerr Error bar plotting
maghist Magically pretty histograms
magimage Magically pretty images
magimageRGB Magically pretty images
maglab Pretty scientific labelling
magmap Value remapper
magMW Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magMWplane Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magplot Magically pretty plots
magproj Magic longitude / latitude projection function
magprojextra Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magprojgrid Magic longitude / latitude projection function
magprojlabels Magic longitude / latitude projection function
magring Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magrun Running averages
magsun Attractive great circles and thick bands on magproj plots
magtri High level triangle plotting code for MCMC chains
plot.magbin Plot 2D Histogram or Bin Data