MAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference

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Documentation for package ‘magi’ version 1.2.2

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calCov Calculate stationary Gaussian process kernel
FNdat Dataset of noisy observations from the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) equations
fnmodelDtheta The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) equations
fnmodelDx The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) equations
fnmodelODE The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) equations
gpcov Conditional covariance of Gaussian process given observations
gpmean Conditional mean of Gaussian process given observations
gpsmoothing Gaussian process smoothing
gpsmoothllik Marginal log-likelihood for Gaussian process smoothing
hes1logmodelDtheta Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
hes1logmodelDx Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
hes1logmodelODE Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
hes1modelDtheta Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
hes1modelDx Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
hes1modelODE Hes1 equations: oscillation of mRNA and protein levels
is.magioutput MagiSolver output ('magioutput') object
magi 'magi': MAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference
magioutput MagiSolver output ('magioutput') object
MagiPosterior MAGI posterior density
MagiSolver MAnifold-constrained Gaussian process Inference (MAGI)
plot.magioutput Generate plots from 'magioutput' object
ptransmodelDtheta Protein transduction model
ptransmodelDx Protein transduction model
ptransmodelODE Protein transduction model
setDiscretization Set discretization level
summary.magioutput Summary of parameter estimates from 'magioutput' object
testDynamicalModel Test dynamic system model specification