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Documentation for package ‘madshapR’ version 1.1.0

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as_category Validate and coerce any object as a categorical variable.
as_dataset Validate and coerce any object as a dataset
as_data_dict Validate and coerce any object as a data dictionary
as_data_dict_mlstr Validate and coerce any object as an Opal data dictionary format
as_data_dict_shape Validate and coerce any object as a workable data dictionary structure
as_dossier Validate and coerce any object as a dossier (list of dataset(s))
as_taxonomy Validate and coerce any object as a taxonomy
as_valueType Validate and coerce any object according to a given valueType
bookdown_open Objects exported from other packages
bookdown_render Objects exported from other packages
bookdown_template Objects exported from other packages
check_dataset_categories Assess a data dictionary and associated dataset for category differences
check_dataset_valueType Assess a data dictionary and associated dataset for valueType differences
check_dataset_variables Assess a data dictionary and associated dataset for undeclared variables
check_data_dict_categories Assess a data dictionary for potential issues in categories
check_data_dict_missing_categories Assess categorical variables for non-Boolean values in 'missing' column
check_data_dict_valueType Assess a data dictionary for non-valid valueType values
check_data_dict_variables Assess a data dictionary for potential issues in variables
check_name_standards Assess variable names in a data dictionary for non-standard formats
col_id Return the id column names(s) of a dataset
dataset_cat_as_labels Apply data dictionary category labels to the associated dataset variables
dataset_evaluate Generate an assessment report for a dataset
dataset_preprocess Generate an evaluation of all variable values in a dataset
dataset_summarize Generate an assessment report and summary of a dataset
dataset_visualize Generate a web-based visual report for a dataset
dataset_zap_data_dict Remove labels (attributes) from a data frame, leaving its unlabelled columns
data_dict_apply Apply a data dictionary to a dataset
data_dict_collapse Transform multi-row category column(s) to single rows and join to "Variables"
data_dict_evaluate Generate an assessment report for a data dictionary
data_dict_expand Transform single-row category information to multiple rows as element
data_dict_extract Generate a data dictionary from a dataset
data_dict_filter Subset data dictionary by row values
data_dict_group_by Group listed data dictionaries by specified column names
data_dict_group_split Split grouped data dictionaries into a named list
data_dict_list_nest Bind listed data dictionaries
data_dict_match_dataset Inner join between a dataset and its associated data dictionary
data_dict_pivot_longer Transform column(s) of a data dictionary from wide format to long format
data_dict_pivot_wider Transform column(s) of a data dictionary from long format to wide format
data_dict_ungroup Ungroup data dictionary
data_extract Create an empty dataset from a data dictionary
dossier_create Generate a dossier from a list of one or more datasets
dossier_evaluate Generate an assessment report of a dossier
dossier_summarize Generate an assessment report and summary of a dossier
drop_category Validate and coerce any object as a non-categorical variable.
is_category Test if an object is a valid dataset
is_dataset Test if an object is a valid dataset
is_data_dict Test if an object is a valid data dictionary
is_data_dict_mlstr Test if an object is a valid Maelstrom data dictionary
is_data_dict_shape Test if an object is a workable data dictionary structure
is_dossier Test if an object is a valid dossier (list of dataset(s))
is_taxonomy Test if an object is a valid taxonomy
is_valueType Test if a character object is one of the valid valueType values
madshapR_DEMO Built-in material allowing the user to test the package with demo data
madshapR_website Call to online documentation
summary_variables Provide descriptive statistics for variables in a dataset
summary_variables_categorical Provide descriptive statistics for variables of categorical in a dataset
summary_variables_date Provide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'date' in a dataset
summary_variables_datetime Provide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'datetime' in a dataset
summary_variables_numeric Provide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'numeric' in a dataset
summary_variables_text Provide descriptive statistics for variables of type 'text' in a dataset
valueType_adjust Attribute the valueType from a data dictionary to a dataset, or vice versa
valueType_guess Guess the first possible valueType of an object (Can be a vector)
valueType_list Built-in data frame of allowed valueType values
valueType_of Return the valueType of an object
valueType_self_adjust Guess and attribute the valueType of a data dictionary or dataset variable
variable_visualize Generate a list of charts, figures and summary tables of a variable