robustOrder {madrat}R Documentation

robustOrder, robustSort


robustOrder: A wrapper around base::order that always uses the locale independent method = "radix". If the argument x is a character vector it is converted to utf8 first. robustSort: A convenience function using order to sort a vector using radix sort. The resulting vector will have the same encoding as the input although internally character vectors are converted to utf8 before ordering.


robustOrder(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, method = "radix")



One or more vectors of the same length


If TRUE missing values are put last, if FALSE they are put first, if NA they are removed


If TRUE decreasing/descending order, if FALSE increasing/ascending order. For the "radix" method, this can be a vector of length equal to the number of arguments in ... . For the other methods, it must be length one.


Default is "radix", which is locale independent. The alternatives "auto" and "shell" should not be used in madrat because they are locale dependent.


Pascal Führlich

See Also


[Package madrat version 3.6.4 Index]