f_fit_gradient_logistic_01 {mactivate} | R Documentation |
Fit Logistic Multivariate Regression Model with mactivate Using Gradient Descent
Use simple gradient descent to locate logistic model parameters, i.e., primary effects, multiplicative effects, and activation parameters, W
m_start = 1,
mact_control = f_control_mactivate(),
verbosity = 2)
X |
Numerical matrix, |
y |
Integer vector of length |
m_tot |
Scalar non-negative integer. Total number of columns of activation layer, |
U |
Numerical matrix, |
m_start |
Currently not used. |
mact_control |
Named list of class |
verbosity |
Scalar integer. |
Please make sure to read Details in f_dmss_dW
help page before using this function.
An unnamed list of class mactivate_fit_gradient_logistic_01
of length m_tot + 1
. Each node is a named list containing fitted parameter estimates. The first top-level node of this object contains parameter estimates when fitting ‘primary effects’ only (W
has no columns), the second, parameter estimates for fitting with 1 column of W
, and so on.
See Also
See f_fit_gradient_01
or f_fit_gradient_logistic_01
for MLR data (numerical response).
xxnow <- Sys.time()
d <- 4
N <- 2400
X <- matrix(rnorm(N*d, 0, 1), N, d) ####
colnames(X) <- paste0("x", I(1:d))
############# primary effects
b <- rep_len( c(-1/2, 1/2), d )
xxA <- (X[ , 1]+1/3) * (X[ , 2]-1/3)
xxB <- (X[ , 1]+0/3) * (X[ , 2]-0/3) * (X[ , 4]-1/3)
ystar <-
X %*% b +
2 * xxA -
1 * xxB
xs2 <- "y ~ . "
xtrue_formula <- eval(parse(text=xs2))
xnoint_formula <- eval(parse(text="y ~ . - xxA - xxB"))
ysigmoid <- 1 / (1 + exp(-ystar))
y <- rbinom(size=1, n=N ,prob=ysigmoid)
Nall <- N
yall <- y
Xall <- X
### Xall <- X + rnorm(prod(dim(X)), 0, 1/10000) ### add a little noise -- optional
dfx <- data.frame("y"=yall, Xall, xxA, xxB)
################### incorrectly fit LM: no interactions
xglm <- glm(xnoint_formula , data=dfx, family=binomial(link="logit"))
yhat <- predict(xglm, newdata=dfx, type="response")
mean( f_logit_cost(y=yall, yhat=yhat) )
####### known true
xglm <- glm(xtrue_formula , data=dfx, family=binomial(link="logit"))
yhat <- predict(xglm, newdata=dfx, type="response")
mean( f_logit_cost(y=yall, yhat=yhat) )
xxfoldNumber <- rep_len( 1:4, Nall )
ufolds <- sort(unique(xxfoldNumber))
xthis_fold <- ufolds[ 1 ]
xndx_test <- which( xxfoldNumber %in% xthis_fold )
xndx_train <- setdiff( 1:Nall, xndx_test )
X_train <- Xall[ xndx_train, , drop=FALSE ]
X_test <- Xall[ xndx_test, , drop=FALSE ]
y_train <- yall[ xndx_train ]
y_test <- yall[ xndx_test ]
m_tot <- 4
xcmact_gradient <-
param_sensitivity = 10^11,
bool_free_w = FALSE,
w0_seed = 0.05,
#w_col_search = "alternate",
w_col_search = "one",
bool_headStart = TRUE,
ss_stop = 10^(-12), ### very small
escape_rate = 1.02,
step_size = 1,
Wadj = 1/1,
force_tries = 0,
lambda = 1/1 #### does nothing here
Uall <- Xall
X_train <- Xall[ xndx_train, , drop=FALSE ]
y_train <- yall[ xndx_train ]
xxls_out <-
X = X_train,
y = y_train,
m_tot = m_tot,
U = X_train,
m_start = 1,
mact_control = xcmact_gradient,
verbosity = 0
######### check test error
U_test <- Xall[ xndx_test, , drop=FALSE ]
X_test <- Xall[ xndx_test, , drop=FALSE ]
y_test <- yall[ xndx_test ]
yhatTT <- matrix(NA, length(xndx_test), m_tot+1)
for(iimm in 0:m_tot) {
yhat_fold <- predict(object=xxls_out, X0=X_test, U0=U_test, mcols=iimm )
yhatTT[ , iimm + 1 ] <- yhat_fold[[ "p0hat" ]]
errs_by_m <- NULL
for(iimm in 1:ncol(yhatTT)) {
yhatX <- yhatTT[ , iimm]
errs_by_m[ iimm ] <- mean( f_logit_cost(y=y_test, yhat=yhatX) )
cat(iimm, "::", errs_by_m[ iimm ])
##### plot test Logit vs m
plot(0:(length(errs_by_m)-1), errs_by_m, type="l", xlab="m", ylab="Logit Cost")
################## test off 'correct' model
xtrue_formula_use <- xtrue_formula
xglm <- glm(xnoint_formula , data=dfx[ xndx_train, ], family=binomial(link="logit"))
yhat <- predict(xglm, newdata=dfx[ xndx_test, ], type="response")
cat("\n\n", "No interaction model logit:", mean( f_logit_cost(y=y_test, yhat=yhat) ), "\n")
xglm <- glm(xtrue_formula_use , data=dfx[ xndx_train, ], family=binomial(link="logit"))
yhat <- predict(xglm, newdata=dfx[ xndx_test, ], type="response")
cat("\n\n", "'true' model logit:", mean( f_logit_cost(y=y_test, yhat=yhat) ) , "\n")
cat( "Runtime:", difftime(Sys.time(), xxnow, units="secs"), "\n" )