maat-package |
Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing |
assessment_structure-class |
Class 'assessment_structure': assessment structure |
assessment_structure_math |
Example item pools |
boundGrade |
Bound grades within a specified range |
changeGrade |
Grade operator: add or subtract |
changePhase |
Phase operator: move to next phase |
changeTest |
Test operator: move to next phase |
createAssessmentStructure |
Create an assessment structure |
createModule |
Create a single module |
cut_scores_math |
Example item pools |
examinee-class |
Class 'examinee': a single examinee |
examinee_list_math |
Example item pools |
excludeAdministeredItems |
Update a constraints object to exclude administered items |
formatOutput |
Format the output of maat |
getAdaptivityIndex |
Calculate adaptivity indices from an examinee list object |
getAdministeredItemsPerTest |
Get administered items per test |
getBias |
Calculate bias from an examinee list object |
getItemExposureRate |
Get item exposure rates from an examinee list |
getItemNamesPerGrade |
Get item names per grade |
getRelativeGrade |
Grade operator: difference between two grades |
getRMSE |
Calculate RMSE from an examinee list object |
getSE |
Calculate standard error from an examinee list object |
loadModules |
Load multiple modules |
maat |
Simulate multi-stage multi-administration adaptive test |
module-class |
Class 'module': a module |
module_list_math |
Example item pools |
output_maat-class |
Class 'output_maat': a simulation output |
plot |
Extension of plot() |
plot-method |
Extension of plot() |
print |
Extension of print() |
print-method |
Extension of print() |
removeItemData |
Remove item data from examinee list |
show |
Extension of show() |
show-method |
Extension of show() |
simExaminees |
Simulate an examinee list |
simTheta |
Simulate theta values |
updateAssessmentLevelTheta |
Update the assessment-level theta of an examinee object |
updateGrade |
Update the grade slot of an examinee object |
updateItemData |
Update the item data slot of an examinee object |
updateLog |
Update the routing log of an examinee object |
updateModule |
Update the current module of an examinee object |
updatePhase |
Update the current phase of an examinee object |
updateTest |
Update the current test of an examinee object |
updateThetaForRouting |
Update the theta used for routing of an examinee object |
updateThetaUsingCombined |
Update theta estimates using combined responses from a test |