Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing

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Documentation for package ‘maat’ version 1.1.0

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maat-package Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing
assessment_structure-class Class 'assessment_structure': assessment structure
assessment_structure_math Example item pools
boundGrade Bound grades within a specified range
changeGrade Grade operator: add or subtract
changePhase Phase operator: move to next phase
changeTest Test operator: move to next phase
createAssessmentStructure Create an assessment structure
createModule Create a single module
cut_scores_math Example item pools
examinee-class Class 'examinee': a single examinee
examinee_list_math Example item pools
excludeAdministeredItems Update a constraints object to exclude administered items
formatOutput Format the output of maat
getAdaptivityIndex Calculate adaptivity indices from an examinee list object
getAdministeredItemsPerTest Get administered items per test
getBias Calculate bias from an examinee list object
getItemExposureRate Get item exposure rates from an examinee list
getItemNamesPerGrade Get item names per grade
getRelativeGrade Grade operator: difference between two grades
getRMSE Calculate RMSE from an examinee list object
getSE Calculate standard error from an examinee list object
loadModules Load multiple modules
maat Simulate multi-stage multi-administration adaptive test
module-class Class 'module': a module
module_list_math Example item pools
output_maat-class Class 'output_maat': a simulation output
plot Extension of plot()
plot-method Extension of plot()
print Extension of print()
print-method Extension of print()
removeItemData Remove item data from examinee list
show Extension of show()
show-method Extension of show()
simExaminees Simulate an examinee list
simTheta Simulate theta values
updateAssessmentLevelTheta Update the assessment-level theta of an examinee object
updateGrade Update the grade slot of an examinee object
updateItemData Update the item data slot of an examinee object
updateLog Update the routing log of an examinee object
updateModule Update the current module of an examinee object
updatePhase Update the current phase of an examinee object
updateTest Update the current test of an examinee object
updateThetaForRouting Update the theta used for routing of an examinee object
updateThetaUsingCombined Update theta estimates using combined responses from a test