Parallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR)

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Documentation for package ‘mRMRe’ version

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adjacencyMatrix Accessor function for the 'adjacencyMatrix' information in a mRMRe.Network object.
adjacencyMatrix-method Accessor function for the 'adjacencyMatrix' information in a mRMRe.Network object.
adjacencyMatrixSum Accessor function for the 'adjacencyMatrix' information in a mRMRe.Network object.
adjacencyMatrixSum-method Accessor function for the 'adjacencyMatrix' information in a mRMRe.Network object.
causality Accessor function for the 'causality' information in a mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
causality-method Accessor function for the 'causality' information in a mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
cgps.annot Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP) Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP)
cgps.ic50 Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP)
correlate Function to compute various correlation measures between two variables
export_concordance_index Export concordance index
export_filters Export filters
export_filters_bootstrap Export filters bootstrap
export_mim Export mim
featureCount Accessor function for the 'featureCount' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
featureCount-method Accessor function for the 'featureCount' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
featureData Accessor function for the 'featureData' information in a mRMRe.Data object
featureData-method Accessor function for the 'featureData' information in a mRMRe.Data object
featureNames Accessor function for the 'featureNames' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object
featureNames-method Accessor function for the 'featureNames' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object
get.thread.count openMP Thread Count
get_thread_count openMP Thread Count
mim Accessor function for the 'mim' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object
mim-method Accessor function for the 'mim' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object
mRMR.classic Class '"mRMRe.Filter"' Class '"mRMRe.Data"'
mRMR.ensemble Class '"mRMRe.Filter"' Class '"mRMRe.Network"'
mRMRe.Data-class Class '"mRMRe.Data"'
mRMRe.Filter-class Class '"mRMRe.Filter"'
mRMRe.Network-class Class '"mRMRe.Network"'
priors Accessor function for the 'priors' information in a mRMRe.Data object
priors-method Accessor function for the 'priors' information in a mRMRe.Data object
priors<- Accessor function for the 'priors' information in a mRMRe.Data object
priors<--method Accessor function for the 'priors' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleCount Accessor function for the 'sampleCount' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
sampleCount-method Accessor function for the 'sampleCount' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
sampleNames Accessor function for the 'sampleNames' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
sampleNames-method Accessor function for the 'sampleNames' information in a mRMRe.Data, mRMRe.Filter and mRMRe.Network object.
sampleStrata Accessor function for the 'sampleStrata' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleStrata-method Accessor function for the 'sampleStrata' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleStrata<- Accessor function for the 'sampleStrata' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleStrata<--method Accessor function for the 'sampleStrata' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleWeights Accessor function for the 'sampleWeights' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleWeights-method Accessor function for the 'sampleWeights' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleWeights<- Accessor function for the 'sampleWeights' information in a mRMRe.Data object
sampleWeights<--method Accessor function for the 'sampleWeights' information in a mRMRe.Data object
scores mRMR Scores as per the MI gain for each feature
scores-method mRMR Scores as per the MI gain for each feature
set.thread.count openMP Thread Count
set_thread_count openMP Thread Count
solutions Basic result of the mRMR procedure
solutions-method Basic result of the mRMR procedure
subsetData Returns a mRMRe.Data object using a subset of the current mRMRe.Data object.
subsetData-method Returns a mRMRe.Data object using a subset of the current mRMRe.Data object.
target mRMR Target(s)
target-method mRMR Target(s)
visualize mRMRe Network display
visualize-method mRMRe Network display