ActCosinor_long2 {mMARCH.AC} | R Documentation |
Cosinor Model for Circadian Rhythmicity for the Whole Dataset
A parametric approach to study circadian rhythmicity assuming cosinor shape.This function is a whole dataset
wrapper for ActCosinor
ActCosinor_long2(, window = 1, daylevel = FALSE)
Arguments |
window |
daylevel |
A data.frame
with the following 5 columns
ID |
ID |
ndays |
number of days |
mes |
MESRO, which is short for midline statistics of rhythm, which is a rhythm adjusted mean. This represents mean activity level. |
amp |
amplitude, a measure of half the extend of predictable variation within a cycle. This represents the highest activity one can achieve. |
acro |
acrophase, a meaure of the time of the overall high values recurring in each cycle. Here it has a unit of radian. This represents time to reach the peak. |
acrotime |
acrophase in the unit of the time (hours) |
ndays |
Number of days modeled |