alpha.fd.fe |
Compute the set of indices based on number of species in Functional Entities |
alpha.fd.fe.plot |
Illustrate Functional Diversity indices based on Functional Entities |
alpha.fd.hill |
Compute Functional alpha-Diversity indices based on Hill Numbers |
alpha.fd.multidim |
Compute a set of alpha functional indices for a set of assemblages |
alpha.multidim.plot |
Plot functional space and chosen functional indices |
asb.sp.summary |
Summarize Assemblage x Species data frame |
background.plot |
Plot background of multidimensional plots |
baskets_fruits_weights |
Dataset: Baskets Composition in Fruits Species |
beta.fd.hill |
Compute Functional beta-Diversity indices based on Hill Numbers |
beta.fd.multidim |
Compute Functional beta-Diversity indices for pairs of assemblages in a multidimensional space |
beta.multidim.plot |
Illustrate Functional beta-Diversity indices for pairs of assemblages in a multidimensional space |
dist.nearneighb |
Compute distance of a given point to its nearest neighbor in the functional space and the identity of the nearest neighbor |
dist.point |
Compute distances of all points to a given point in the functional space | |
Merge distance object(s) into a single data frame |
fdis.plot |
Plot FDis index |
fdiv.plot |
Plot FDiv indice |
feve.plot |
Plot FEve index |
fide.plot |
Plot FIde index |
fnnd.plot |
Plot FNND index |
fori.plot |
Plot FOri |
fric.plot |
Plot FRic index |
fruits_traits |
Dataset: Traits Values of Fruits Species |
fruits_traits_cat |
Dataset: Fruits Traits Informations |
fspe.plot |
Plot FSpe |
funct.dist |
Compute functional distance between species | |
Plot species position in a functional space |
fuse |
Compute FUSE (Functionally Unique, Specialized and Endangered) |
mst.computation |
Compute the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) linking species of a given assemblage | |
Plot individual plots along a pair of functional axes into a unique graph |
pool.plot |
Plot species from the pool |
quality.fspaces |
Compute functional spaces and their quality |
quality.fspaces.plot |
Plot functional space quality with a chosen quality metric |
sp.filter |
Retrieve information about species in a given assemblage | |
Compute Functional Entities composition based on a Species x Traits matrix | |
Summarize Species x Traits data frame |
tr.cont.fspace |
Build a functional space based on continuous traits only |
tr.cont.scale |
Scale continuous traits |
traits.faxes.cor |
Correlation between Traits and Axes |
vertices |
Compute vertices of the Minimal Convex Hull shaping species from a single assemblage in a multidimensional functional space |