mmzipBvs {mBvs}R Documentation

The function to perform variable selection for marginalized multivariate zero-inflated Poisson models


The function can be used to perform variable selection for marginalized multivariate zero-inflated Poisson models.


mmzipBvs(Y, lin.pred, data, offset = NULL, zero_cutoff = 0.05, hyperParams,
 startValues, mcmcParams)



a data.frame containing q count outcomes from n subjects. It is of dimension n\times q.


a list containing three formula objects: the first formula specifies the p_z covariates for which variable selection is to be performed in the binary component of the model; the second formula specifies the p_x covariates for which variable selection is to be performed in the count part of the model; the third formula specifies the p_0 confounders to be adjusted for (but on which variable selection is not to be performed) in the regression analysis.


a data.frame containing the variables named in the formulas in lin.pred.


an optional numeric vector with an a priori known component to be included as the linear predictor in the count part of model.


Response variable with proportions of zeros less than zero.cutoff will be removed from the binary model.


(update this) a list containing lists or vectors for hyperparameter values in hierarchical models. Components include, rho0 (degrees of freedom for inverse-Wishart prior for \Sigma_V), Psi0 (a scale matrix for inverse-Wishart prior for \Sigma_V), mu_alpha0 (hyperparameter \mu_{\alpha_0} in the prior of \alpha_0), mu_alpha (a numeric vector of length q for hyperparameter \mu_{\alpha} in the prior of \alpha), mu_beta0 (hyperparameter \mu_{\beta_0} in the prior of \beta_0), mu_beta (a numeric vector of length q for hyperparameter \mu_{\beta} in the prior of \beta), a_alpha0 (hyperparameter a_{\alpha_0} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\alpha_0}), b_alpha0 (hyperparameter b_{\alpha_0} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\alpha_0}), a_alpha (hyperparameter a_{\alpha} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\alpha}), b_alpha (hyperparameter b_{\alpha} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\alpha}), a_beta0 (hyperparameter a_{\beta_0} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\beta_0}), b_beta0 (hyperparameter b_{\beta_0} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\beta_0}), a_beta (hyperparameter a_{\beta} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\beta}), b_beta (hyperparameter b_{\beta} in the prior of \sigma^2_{\beta}), v_beta (a numeric vector of length q for the standard deviation hyperparameter v_{\beta} of the regression parameter \beta prior), omega_beta (a numeric vector of length p_x-p_0 for the hyperparameter \omega_{\beta} in the prior of the variable selection indicator), v_alpha (a numeric vector of length q for the standard deviation hyperparameter v_{\alpha} of the regression parameter \alpha prior), omega_alpha (a numeric vector of length p_z-p_0 for the hyperparameter \omega_{\alpha} in the prior of the variable selection indicator), See Examples below.


a numeric vector containing starting values for model parameters. See Examples below.


(update this) a list containing variables required for MCMC sampling. Components include, run (a list containing numeric values for setting the overall run: numReps, total number of scans; thin, extent of thinning; burninPerc, the proportion of burn-in). tuning (a list containing numeric values relevant to tuning parameters for specific updates in Metropolis-Hastings algorithm: beta0.prop.var, variance of the proposal density for \beta_0;beta.prop.var, variance of the proposal density for B;alpha.prop.var, variance of the proposal density for A;V.prop.var, variance of the proposal density for V.) See Examples below.


mmzipBvs returns an object of class mmzipBvs.


Kyu Ha Lee, Brent A. Coull, Jacqueline R. Starr
Maintainer: Kyu Ha Lee <>


update this


## Not run: 

# loading a data set
Y <- simData_mzip$Y
data <- simData_mzip$X

n = dim(Y)[1]
q = dim(Y)[2]

form.bin     <- as.formula(~cov.1)
form.count    <- as.formula(~cov.1)
form.adj    <- as.formula(~1)
form <- list(form.bin, form.count, form.adj)

p_adj = dim(model.frame(form[[3]], data=data))[2]
p0 <- dim(model.frame(form[[1]], data=data))[2] + p_adj
p1 <- dim(model.frame(form[[2]], data=data))[2] + p_adj

## Hyperparameters ##

Sigma_me <- 0.5
Sigma_var <- 1
rho0 <- 2*Sigma_me^2/Sigma_var+q+3
psi0 <- Sigma_me*(rho0-q-1)

hyperParams_mmzip <- list(v_beta=rep(3, q), omega_beta=rep(0.5, p1-p_adj), 
a_beta=rep(0.5, p1), b_beta=rep(0.5, p1), mu_beta0=rep(0, q), a_beta0=0.5, b_beta0=0.5, 
v_alpha=rep(3, q), omega_alpha=rep(0.5, p0-p_adj), 
a_alpha=rep(0.5, p0), b_alpha=rep(0.5, p0), mu_alpha0=rep(0, q), a_alpha0=0.5, b_alpha0=0.5, 
rho0=rho0, Psi0=diag(psi0, q), mu_m=rep(0, q), v_m=0.5)


run <- list(numReps=100, thin=1, burninPerc=0.5)
storage <- list(storeV=FALSE, storeW=FALSE)
vs <- list(count=TRUE, binary=TRUE)
tuning <- list(L_group=100, L_m=20, eps_group=0.00001, eps_m=0.00001, 
Mvar_group=1, Mvar_m=1, beta_prop_var=0.0001, alpha_prop_var=0.0001)

mcmc_mmzip <- list(run=run, storage=storage, vs=vs, tuning=tuning)

## Starting Values

startValues_mmzip <- initiate_startValues(form, Y, data, "MMZIP")

## Other settings

offset <- data$total

## Fitting the MMZIP ##

fit.mmzip <- mmzipBvs(Y, form, data, offset, zero_cutoff, hyperParams_mmzip, 
startValues_mmzip, mcmc_mmzip)

print(fit.mmzip) <- summary(fit.mmzip); names(fit.mmzip)

## End(Not run)

[Package mBvs version 1.92 Index]