Higher Level 'API' for 'torch'

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Documentation for package ‘luz’ version 0.4.0

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accelerator Create an accelerator
as_dataloader Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.array Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.dataloader Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.dataset Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.list Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.matrix Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.numeric Creates a dataloader from its input
as_dataloader.torch_tensor Creates a dataloader from its input
context Context object
ctx Context object
evaluate Evaluates a fitted model on a dataset
fit.luz_module_generator Fit a 'nn_module'
get_metrics Get metrics from the object
get_metrics.luz_module_fitted Get metrics from the object
lr_finder Learning Rate Finder
luz_callback Create a new callback
luz_callback_auto_resume Resume training callback
luz_callback_csv_logger CSV logger callback
luz_callback_early_stopping Early stopping callback
luz_callback_gradient_clip Gradient clipping callback
luz_callback_interrupt Interrupt callback
luz_callback_keep_best_model Keep the best model
luz_callback_lr_scheduler Learning rate scheduler callback
luz_callback_metrics Metrics callback
luz_callback_mixup Mixup callback
luz_callback_model_checkpoint Checkpoints model weights
luz_callback_profile Profile callback
luz_callback_progress Progress callback
luz_callback_resume_from_checkpoint Allow resume model training from a specific checkpoint
luz_callback_tfevents tfevents callback
luz_callback_train_valid Train-eval callback
luz_load Load trained model
luz_load_checkpoint Loads a checkpoint
luz_load_model_weights Loads model weights into a fitted object.
luz_metric Creates a new luz metric
luz_metric_accuracy Accuracy
luz_metric_binary_accuracy Binary accuracy
luz_metric_binary_accuracy_with_logits Binary accuracy with logits
luz_metric_binary_auroc Computes the area under the ROC
luz_metric_mae Mean absolute error
luz_metric_mse Mean squared error
luz_metric_multiclass_auroc Computes the multi-class AUROC
luz_metric_rmse Root mean squared error
luz_metric_set Creates a metric set
luz_save Saves luz objects to disk
luz_save_model_weights Loads model weights into a fitted object.
nnf_mixup Mixup logic
nn_mixup_loss Loss to be used with 'callbacks_mixup()'.
predict.luz_module_fitted Create predictions for a fitted model
setup Set's up a 'nn_module' to use with luz
set_hparams Set hyper-parameter of a module
set_opt_hparams Set optimizer hyper-parameters