%within% {lubridate}R Documentation

Does a date (or interval) fall within an interval?


Check whether a lies within the interval b, inclusive of the endpoints.


a %within% b



An interval or date-time object.


Either an interval vector, or a list of intervals.

If b is an interval (or interval vector) it is recycled to the same length as a. If b is a list of intervals, a is checked if it falls within any of the intervals, i.e. a %within% list(int1, int2) is equivalent to a %within% int1 | a %within% int2.


A logical vector.


int <- interval(ymd("2001-01-01"), ymd("2002-01-01"))
int2 <- interval(ymd("2001-06-01"), ymd("2002-01-01"))

ymd("2001-05-03") %within% int # TRUE
int2 %within% int # TRUE
ymd("1999-01-01") %within% int # FALSE

## recycling (carefully note the difference between using a vector of
## intervals and list of intervals for the second argument)
dates <- ymd(c("2014-12-20", "2014-12-30", "2015-01-01", "2015-01-03"))
blackout_vector <- c(
  interval(ymd("2014-12-30"), ymd("2014-12-31")),
  interval(ymd("2014-12-30"), ymd("2015-01-03"))
dates %within% blackout_vector

## within ANY of the intervals of a list
dates <- ymd(c("2014-12-20", "2014-12-30", "2015-01-01", "2015-01-03"))
lst <- list(
  interval(ymd("2014-12-30"), ymd("2014-12-31")),
  interval(ymd("2014-12-30"), ymd("2015-01-03"))
dates %within% lst

## interval within a list of intervals
int <- interval(
  ymd("2014-12-20", "2014-12-30"),
  ymd("2015-01-01", "2015-01-03")
int %within% lst

[Package lubridate version 1.9.3 Index]