Linear Time Series Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘ltsa’ version 1.4.6

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ltsa-package Linear Time Series Analysis
DHSimulate Simulate General Linear Process
DLAcfToAR Autocorrelations to AR parameters
DLLoglikelihood Durbin-Levinsion Loglikelihood
DLResiduals Prediction residuals
DLSimulate Simulate linear time series
exactLoglikelihood Exact log-likelihood and MLE for variance
innovationVariance Nonparametric estimate of the innovation variance
is.toeplitz test if argument is a symmetric Toeplitz matrix
ltsa Linear Time Series Analysis
PredictionVariance Prediction variance
SimGLP Simulate GLP given innovations
tacvfARMA theoretical autocovariance function (acvf) of ARMA
ToeplitzInverseUpdate Inverse of Toeplitz matrix of order n+1 given inverse of order n
TrenchForecast Minimum Mean Square Forecast
TrenchInverse compute the matrix inverse of a positive-definite Toepliz matrix
TrenchLoglikelihood Loglikelihood function of stationary time series using Trench algorithm
TrenchMean Exact MLE for mean given the autocorrelation function