lsirm {lsirm12pl}R Documentation

Fit a LSIRM ( Latent Space Item Response Model)


lsirm is used to fit 1PL LSIRM and 2PL LSIRM using Bayesian method as described in Jeon et al. (2021).


lsirm(formula, ...)



The form of formula is lsirm(A ~ <term 1>(<term 2>, <term 3> ...)), where A is binary or continuous item response matrix to be analyzed, <term1> is the model you want to fit and has one of the following values: "lsirm1pl" and "lsirm2pl"., and <term 2>, <term 3>, etc. are each option for the model.


Additional arguments for the corresponding function.


The descriptions of options for each model, such as <term 2> and <term 3>, are included in lsirm1pl for 1PL LSIRM and lsirm2pl for 2PL LSIRM.


lsirm returns an object of class list.

See corresponding functions such as lsirm1pl for 1PL LSIRM and lsirm2pl for 2PL LSIRM.

See Also

lsirm1pl for 1PL LSIRM.

lsirm2pl for 2PL LSIRM.


# generate example item response matrix
data     <- matrix(rbinom(500, size = 1, prob = 0.5),ncol=10,nrow=50)

lsirm_result <- lsirm(data~lsirm1pl())
lsirm_result <- lsirm(data~lsirm2pl())

[Package lsirm12pl version 1.3.2 Index]